202 anagrams containing 2,804 campix and 416 other pix= 3,220 total pix
december (14 anagrams containing 245 campix and 37 other pix=282 total pix)
12.28 | 12.23 | 12.21 | 12.20 | 12.18 | 12.17 | 12.16 | 12.15 | 12.13 | 12.10 | 12.09 | 12.07 | 12.05 | 12.02
november (14 anagrams containing 185 campix and 6 other pix=191 total pix)
11.29 | 11.27 | 11.24 | 11.22 | 11.17 | 11.16 | 11.15 | 11.14 | 11.12 | 11.09 | 11.08 | 11.07 | 11.05 | 11.03
october (14 anagrams containing 239 campix and 15 other pix=254 total pix)
10.31 | 10.30 | 10.28 | 10.25 | 10.24 | 10.22 | 10.20 | 10.14 | 10.13 | 10.10 | 10.08 | 10.06 | 10.04 | 10.02
september (11 anagrams containing 145 campix and 11 other pix=156 total pix)
09.30 | 09.27 | 09.25 | 09.23 | 09.20 | 09.16 | 09.13 | 09.11 | 09.08 | 09.05 | 09.01
august (17 anagrams containing 224 campix and 152 other pix=376 total pix)
08.30 | 08.29 | 08.27 | 08.26 | 08.23 | 08.21 | 08.20 | 08.19 | 08.18 | 08.16 | 08.15 | 08.13 | 08.12 | 08.10 | 08.06 | 08.05 | 08.03
july (19 anagrams containing 337 campix and 11 other pix=348 total pix)
07.30 | 07.29 | 07.28 | 07.27 | 07.25 | 07.24 | 07.22 | 07.20 | 07.17 | 07.15 | 07.14 | 07.12 | 07.09 | 07.07 | 07.05 | 07.04 | 07.03 | 07.02 | 07.01
june (19 anagrams containing 231 campix and 86 other pix=317 total pix)
06.28 | 06.27 | 06.25 | 06.24 | 06.23 | 06.21 | 06.18 | 06.16 | 06.14 | 06.13 | 06.11 | 06.09 | 06.08 | 06.07 | 06.06 | 06.05 | 06.04 | 06.03 | 06.02 |
may (25 anagrams containing 331 campix and 50 other pix=381 total pix)
05.31 | 05.30 | 05.29 | 05.28 | 05.27 | 05.25 | 05.23 | 05.22 | 05.21 | 05.20 | 05.19 | 05.18 | 05.17 | 05.16 | 05.15 | 05.14 | 05.11 | 05.10 | 05.09 | 05.08 | 05.07 | 05.06 | 05.05 | 05.04 | 05.02
april (13 anagrams containing 248 campix and 3 other pix=251 total pix)
04.30 | 04.27 | 04.25 | 04.22 | 04.20 | 04.18 | 04.16 | 04.14 | 04.11 | 04.08 | 04.06 | 04.03 | 04.01
march (13 anagrams containing 206 campix and 9 other pix=215 total pix)
03.31 | 03.28 | 03.27 | 03.26 | 03.23 | 03.21 | 03.19 | 03.16 | 03.07 | 03.04 | 03.03 | 03.02 | 03.01
february (21 anagrams containing 217 campix and 27 other pix= 244 total pix)
02.28 | 02.27 | 02.26 | 02.25 | 02.23 | 02.21 | 02.20 | 02.19 | 02.18 | 02.17 | 02.16 | 02.15 | 02.14 | 02.12 | 02.11 | 02.09 | 02.07 | 02.06 | 02.03 | 02.02 | 02.01
january (22 anagrams containing 196 campix and 9 other pix= 205 total pix)
01.30 | 01.28 | 01.27 | 01.24 | 01.23 | 01.21 | 01.20 | 01.19 | 01.17 | 01.14 | 01.13 | 01.12 | 01.11 | 01.10 | 01.09 | 01.08 | 01.07 | 01.06 | 01.05 | 01.03 | 01.02 | 01.01