anagram 05.20.99
I'm writing this on the 21st.
I just woke up. I didn't make anagram last night 'cause I had a headache.
these are pictures from yesterday and the day before. yesterday I told people
2 send me nonsexual pictures of their genitals 'cause I don't think there is
enough ordinary pictures of them. of course, I did get a bunch from guys with
a "big 'ol hard-on". oh well. I got some very cool ones though, too.
and I'll include then in tomorrows anagram :) if you'd like 2 send me a picture
of yours ( no one will know who u r, k? :) send them to:
some people were can u take a nonsexual picture of a sexual organ? here is my reply to that from the public anarchy yesterday, which was exploding with conversations about genitals! haha!
ok, so here are the posts I made in there:
most often i do not want people
sending me pictures of their genitals. it hasn't happened very often...but a
few times i've gotten a few hilarious pictures from guys and their "big
'ol hard-ons" :)
this time, though, i'm requesting it. especially from women because i don't
think there are enough ordinary nonsexual pictures of we all
can go..'oh, i'm not the ONLY one with a crooked penis" or "i'm not
the only one with big strange labia" etc...
or whatever
an ana2 member just sent me a picture of her vagina, and i'm like DAMN i wish
MINE was that cute and little!
ee told me the other day that sure heard of genital cosmetic surgery! i know
i was just thinking quite a few years ago hat i wish i could cut all the weird
ragged edges off of my vagina..all that stuff inbetween..what is that called?
can u believe i don't know the word for it??
so , if u want , take a snapshot of your genitals for me and send it to:
send it in jpeg format, preferably
and i'll post up the pictures on my site when i get enough of them!
well, so far i've received a picture
of some lamer guy's "big ol hard-on" right after he came.
oo, how naughty and daring
what part of "nonsexual" did he not understand?
( in reply 2 someone telling me
there were outer labia and inner labia)
ya, ok, i THOUGHT that the inner part as labia...but i wasn't totally sure.
i never DID figure out where the hymen was..i don't think i eve HAD one! ( is
that possible?)
there isn't any "extra" skin around my actual vagina opening.
but i never did feel any sort of hymen rip during my first time of intercourse.
perhaps because i took a long time "making love" with fingers for
a few months to "open" me up?
thanks 4 the bizarre link!
i have 2 admit that i was glad that i didn't know what a lot of other women
looked like "down there" before i took pictures of myself yesterday...
as u can see from the "gross" post from yesterday
i did not know i was "gross" until i started researching this more.
lol :)
as we start looking at our bodies more and more through a becomes
a very strange experience
hard 2 put in words right now!
( the link is: )
ok, i got about 4 nonsexual pictures
of men's thingies :)
one was actually very pretty! it was was adorned and in a frame!
one guy NAMED his what is WITH naming your penis?
if i want to have sex with jason..i want 2 have sex with HIM...not this other
"entity" that "has a mind of it's own!
thank god jason doesn't name his penis ( i'm sorry jason if that was too much
information i'm giving out on u here! )
do some men name their penis because they are embarrassed to own up to the actions
of THEIR own body?
one guy sent me 3 pictures of some girl in lingerie (???)
saying "you like"
umm..ya, buddy..lay off the crack, eh?
cool :) so far i've received one
picture from a female. ( u go girl! LOL :)
i need more women 2 send in! :)
i'm gonna post them in ana2 for the next anagram.
until i figure out exactly what i'm gonna do with all the pix!
we are used 2 seeing the genitals
as purely sexual...but they are also used for peeing in other no sexual functions
( USUALLY peeing is nonsexual...but for some this is also sexual!)
they are also just part of our bodies when we are not feeling sexual.
i mean, the neck is a huge erogenous zone ( for me )...but is this a sexual
part of the body?
seeing the genitals are purely sexual, i think , is very limiting.
i can receive great pleasure from almost every area of my not then
the BODY, as a whole, a sexual organ?
this is one of my gripes about many of the sexual experiences i've had.....that
during sex the only part that is focused on are my genitals...but even then
it is such a misunderstood part of my body!
we all need 2 learn about the body and take the mystery out. so ALL of the body
can be seen as sexual or NOT...depending on our mood.
now i received TEN pictures of some guys shaved nether-region all tied up with
cock rings and what looks like twisties.
of course with a "big ol hard-on"
what IS it about guys that they do this???
i mean SERIOUSLY...i have never gotten a picture of a woman's vagina in the
mail. EVER.
but with men, they've sent them in the mail, in the email and flashed me while
i worked at a donut shop.
"want me to put a RAISED donut on that, sir?"
i just rang up the sale as usual then grabbed a big knife and called the cops.
yeesh. i have nothing against nudity...but when u get it all flashed in your
face a la hard-ons like, "ooo, i'm such a BAD boy" it get's a WEE
bit OLD!
i think this is what a society against nudity does 2 people. it comes out in
warped ways.
but why does it seem to come up
in warped ways FROM MEN? ( from my experience )
has any one of u ever received unsolicited pictures/flashes from females? (
in a sexual way)?
i don't mean to start a big flame war here over words that we might all attribute
different meaning to.
it must be awful 2 be a MAN but have other men giving men a bad name. u want
a word to differentiate between u and those "other men"
but i just wanna say that saying that these men are "boys" kind
of like saying they'll "grow out of it"
i think these men ARE men..and THAT'S what i find scary. by calling them "boys"
, it feels like to me, that we are not giving "the problem" the credit
of being as real as it is.
these ARE full grown dult men doing this. with families, with jobs, with positions
of "power"
i cannot simply dismiss this "phenomenon" by calling them "boys".
so many times in my chat room, for example..people will come in acting like
idiots ( surprise surprise ) and people will pass it off like "oh that
was some 14 year old boy"
but i KNOW that a few of them, QUITE a few of them are NOT boys having a pubescent
as if somehow it "ok" and "understandable" if we can pass
it off to youngness or "immaturity"
certainly it IS immature. but i just don't want 2 dismiss this as a "boys
will be boys" thing.
i hope u understand what i'm trying
2 get at here...
but when u play..why do u refer to it as a boy thing? do think that "real
men" don't play?
isn't this need to play just a HUMAN thing?
isn't having fun and letting loose just a normal healthy mature human thing
to do?
anyway, what i was trying to discuss here was not anything 2 do with going out
, having beer and playing with your friends.
what i'm trying 2 discuss here is why is it that SOME men feel this compulsive
need 2 show their genitals usually 2 females in a kind of secretive "perverse"
i'm asking this because it SEEMS to ME to be a predominantly male phenomena.
and i'm just trying 2 understand it so i don't have 2 feel so angry and weird
whenever i guy "does that to " me
i'm not trying to get into a "what is a boy" "what is a man"
i'm just asking WHY is this a predominantly male thing? and WHY do they do it?
i got some great scans from a
woman who did portions of her inspired me 2 scan more of me :)
it sure is WARM on that scanner!
a guy also scanned himself! i've gotten some great pictures today!
ok, there are some of the more interesting posts I made yesterday :) I pretty
much stayed in there posting all day 'cause it rained ALL day yesterday. and
I mean it did not STOP!
today looks a little more promising, but it's still grey. I'll include some
of the pictures people sent me and some scans I did in the next anagram :)
I think I'll now get dressed and go outside in search of carbonated liquid sugar