sunday. sunny.
listening 2 nick drake and radiohead and the throwing muses. but a ton of
incense yesterday when i was out, so now i'm well stocked. plus tea light
candles. my only happiness about winter is that it's cold enough 2 burn candles
the tiny frog in the self-contained eco system died. i feel awful. argh. the
other ecosystem with the three fish are fine, tho. been doing lots and thinking
lots. but i think my introspection is starting to bug the shit out of so i
don't even want to write about it. thinking about it is draining enough, but
to write it all down would make me just listless. jason is working on a new
design for his site. i am making this anagram and drinking diet pepsi ( yuck
) and putzing and cleaning and bemoaning my frog. well, not so much today..but
yesterday i was. not a ton. just a bit. what can u do?
went out to dinner for jason's mother's birthday which was very yummy. eating
leftover food from that today. i bought a copy of "interior design"
magazine, and i love it. mmmmm. lenny kravitz's 2 million dollar love pad
u cannot BELIEVE! *drool* and i bought a magazine called "surface"
that was supposed to have avant garde clothing in it, but there wasn't much
there i was wild about.
i'm feeling antsy. i don't know what i'll do after i make this anagram. jason
wants to go out 2 eat, but i just don't feel like going out plus i'm not hungry,
but who knows what the next few hours will bring.
i have a lot to say, but i think most of it would sound like a bunch of overly
introspective insecure bullshit. so i'll save u from that :)
that's all:)