i'm making the official announcement!
i am OFF of my label, radioactive!
i am SO happy!!!!!! i AM FREE to create how i want now with no middleman! i
have been waiting and praying for this for almost two years! ( i was on that
label for about 3 years).
i am giddy with freedom! :))))
i haven't been without a major label for around 6 years or more..i can't even
remember( i was on columbia before radioactive/mca).
i'll tell u the gory details someday, but for now i'll just say "creative
differences" parted us.
so in celebration i am releasing to u a never before released ana voog album
called "introducing sorrow". go hear it now by clicking on "ana
musiq" in the menu :)
i have A LOT of plans for the future and i will keep u updated, of course, as
to what these are when they become more concrete. i am bursting with joy and
i can't even fully explain my feelings..i have to digest them a bit more first...it's
such a cool bizarre feeling! so if you've noticed that i haven't been playing
with the cam much i the last few days, know it was because i was SO tense as
to what the outcome was going to be about what on earth radioactive was going
to do with me. they had until the 21st to tell me, but it's after that date
now. and they have erased all traces of me from their site, so i guess that
is my answer.
and i'm still feeling inward because i've been thinking and reevaluating what
direction i want to go with my life/career musically and in other ways. and
i think i've got the plan..but i must think just a wee but more before i blurt
it out. but it's going to be very FUN, the way things SHOULD be! :)
i definitely don't feel like going into the studio again right now and record
another "big time serious record that will define me for the next several
years" . no way no how. *shudder* i DEFINITELY need a break from that.
and all the marketing and biz. argh.
i've been typing out my journals lately. i've been writing in them since i was
22 ( i'll be 33 april 18th! no way!)..so i've got about the equivelent of "war
and peace" to type out. and type with two fingers on one hand. so it's
gonna take me awhile. i've thought about getting a voice recognition thing,
but i don't think i want to say the whole ordeal out loud either. and i don't
want to hand them over to a typist, because there is lots of top secret embarrassing
girl stuff in there! but i did find the courage to post the first parts that
i've typed out in ana2's anagrams. and i think i'll just keep posting them there
as i type them out. so far, it reads like the perfect trashy novel. i can't
believe my life was like that. already in the first few pages i've mentioned
sex. lust, drugs, coke whores, stripping, lesbianism , and drunkenness. it's
absolutely full of punk rock girl angst. ah, the 80's...gone and thank god for
so i will continue to type these out probably for the next 6 months. yes, it
will take me that long.
it is very interesting going back and reading them to see how far i've come,
and what things still remain the same. i'm being all refective and introspective,
especially now that i'm off radioactive/mca and am bordering on a new adventure
so..anyway...that's what's happening now
today one of my goldfish died due to my stupidity of getting goldfish in the first place. don't buy goldfish and put them in a bowl. bad idea. jason told me that it was a bad I dea, but I didn't listen to him. and now a goldfish is dead due to my stubbornness in thinking it would all be ok. argh.
oh these posts from my newsgroup
were so hilarious i had to repost them here!..first of all , what started it
was some guy came in and posted he had some "anna voog" on vinyl to
sell. which always irks me 'cause i hate when people spell my name wrong. so
i wrote in reply:
who is "anna voog" ?
then travis wrote:
Amazing that people still ask this question.
Anna Voog is a media darling with
her internationally famous
voogcam.com site and her hit album, Anna Sings Manilow (currently rising
on Billboard's Easy Listening charts). Daughter of a preacher-man in the
Georgia Primitive Snake Handler's Church of the Immaculate Aluminum Siding
(Valdosta, GA), Anna relocated to Minnesota in the early 80s where she
underwent a controversial breast reduction surgery. And people do seem to
agree that she looks far more natural with just the two.
Her band, The Teal Up, released the album "Spoon, Salad Forka,
Fingerbowl" to largely neutral-to-hostile critical reception, prompting
Anna to spend three years in "spiritual redevelopment" as an Amway
distributor. Her art continued to develop during this period and many
critics remarked on how well she was able to color *inside* the lines; she
also welds scrap metal, but this is apparently unrelated to anything
resembling art. Someone gave her an arc welder for Christmas one year and
she just really digs welding shit together.
Currently living in her spacious apartment in St. Paul, MN, with her
webmaster/manager, fetid28 (who also delivers singing telegrams in his
spare time), Anna lives with her collection of 34 identical John Tesh
mannequins and a stuffed St. Bernard named Sandra.
Denying speculation that she was actually a man at one point in her
life (see alt.gossip.celebrities thread: Who the Hell Is This Anna Voog
Freak?) Anna also assures her many fans that she is completely original
and spells her name correctly and with a capital letter like you're
supposed to. She's certainly heard of the "other" ana voog, but dismisses
her. "I mean, she's so small and pretty, for God's sake. And that is like
so last year. People like a woman with a little hint of moustache, I
I hope this answers your question.
then dankitti wrote:
not to be confused with anna vogue.....
anna vogue is internationally known
recording artist and camgirl, known
mostly for her web site, the Anna Clam, where she is seen 24/7,
completely naked, inside a huge clam. her CD, "The requested file was
not found on this server" is named after a common errer due to the bad
web design on her site. anna vogue is one of the few celebrities to be
spotted *by& elvis presley on his home planet, causing her name to be
featured on many intergalactic tabloids.
anna vogue was born susan olsen,
and after a brief acting career, playing
cindy brady on the brady bunch, she changed her name to anna vogue (vogue
is the celtic word meaning "many exciting body parts")& started
a band
called it just 'melted', who recorded several long-since out of prinr
albums. the last album by it just 'melted', entitled Spoon Forka Gish,
tribute to legendary actress Lilian Gish, can usually be seen in e-bay
for several hundred dollars by people who auction it off after picking
it up in cutout bins for 50 cents.
then travis wrote again:
Nor with Anaïs Voog, whose
webcam allows her to be on 24/8, giving her
a slight edge over her competitors by using a Mayan calendar with an extra
day in the week (known, for some reason as Elwood). She also features
frequent nudity on her site, in celebration of any new series on UPN, but
wears a Pat Nixon mask which dampens the effect somewhat. Her album, from
her former band, The Turquoise Generally Upwards, released in '89, "Spoon
Forklift Oofta Oofta" features a moving (and inexplicable) rap version
Beethoven's Ode to Joy.
Daughter of the Rabbi of Krakow, she came to this country in the early
70s and established residence in a converted gymnasium in Hibbing, MN,
which she shares with her army of 384 golem manniquins which she is
attempting to bring to life by writing various Hebraic characters on their
foreheads. Her boyfriend/mentor/webmaster, forelock99, lives nearby in a
portable classroom where he teaches Latin and economics to inner city
youth, often without telling them.
She has appeared on Late Night with Dennis Letterman, Teletubbies (as
La La's "special friend"), and in articles in Collier's, Grit, and
Columbia Journalism Review. Asked about her apparent imitators, Anaïs
says, "As long as people realize that only I am authorized to accept
animal sacrifices, it's fine with me if they want to go to hell with these
other people. But they have been warned."
- H - who suspects that there may
be more of these women out there than
any of us had known about :-)
then dankitti wrote:
how about alanis voog?
alanis voog was born in canada, and
stayed there because of the canadian
bacon, but moved to switzerland for swiss cheese & later to france for
french toast. alanis is the daughter of three rabbis and pope sven III,
and was featured on nickelodeon's you can't do that on television, but
immediately quit the show when she realized she was doing all those
things on television.
she was eventually discovered by
Bobby XYZ, the drummer for The Artist
Soon To Change His Name To Something Else, and started a band called the
bleu cheese? which recorded several largely ignored albums, including
introducing slaughter, a concept album about pro wrestler seargent
slaughter. the bleu cheese? later went on to make the critically
acclaimed "spank funky fish", featuring an actual cunderwater chorus
funky fish, who immediately quit the band after being threatened with
alanis voog started the alanis webcam
called the Your House Cam. she
goes to your house while you are away, and she dances naked in your
shower. her recently released CD is an enhanced multimedia which pushes
the envelope of multimedia by being the first CD to actually include
*smells* as well as pictures. the CD includes pictures & smells of her
dog, her cat, and a pumpkin, but viewers are warned that the pumpkin was
getting very old by the time the CD was made. most critics agree that
alanis should have cleaned the litter box *before* making that segment.
on a sadder note, here is a thing tom m posted in ana2 about his beloved cat murphy:
I let Dr. Campbell put away my cat
today. Murphy was very sick. She had stopped eating and, for the past 20 hours
or so, stopped drinking as well. She was so weak she could not walk more than
two or three steps and risked falling over on each one. I could not let her
continue suffering, so I told Dr. Campbell to help her die.
I've been crying off and on for the past hour. I miss Murphy more than I can
tell you.
I knew this day was coming. I could see how weak she was, how little interest
she had in her food. Even when she did eat, this past week, it was only a nibble
or a lick or two, not enough to give her the strength to fight.
She spent her last night in bed beside me. This morning when I woke I saw it
was a struggle for her to raise her head. I loved my cat and I wanted her to
stay with me. It is a terrible choice, to let your pet suffer or to let her
Murphy was a great hunter. She depopulated the chipmunks from out neighborhood.
Perhaps they will return now that she is gone. I once watched her catch a mole
in our front yard. She sat completely still, her head cocked to one side, her
ears perked. Then, like a flash, she;d run to a spot and dig furiously for a
few seconds, then dip her head and bring up her prey.
Every summer was an adventure for her. She would litter the steps with her trophies.
She seemed to resent winter and the reduced chance for the hunt. Like Heinlein's
"Pete" from _The Door Into Summer_ she always thought there was a
door that would open to a warm and sunny world. Like "Pete" again,
she had to wait for the seasons to turn. She did not suffer waiting in patience.
She would yell her demand to be let out, and then let back in again shortly
after. Oh, I wish she could have had just one more summer....
Murphy, like most cats, was a creature of habit. She would start her night in
my bed, until I turned out the lights and turned over to sleep. She would leave
me to make her rounds, usually ending up in my mother's bed for the last hour
or so of the night. When I got up in the morning, she would take her time finding
me. She wait until I was ready to open the front door to get the newspaper.
She would follow me out and stay, even in the coldest weather, until I finished
breakfast and let her back in for her meal. Until her recent illness I don't
think she missed half a dozen days of that routine in the past 5 years.
When she was a young cat Murphy played fetch with small objects. Her favorite
was the plastic ring from a gallon milk container. She would race after it and
bring it back to me to throw again and again. I would always tire before she
did. I think she would have played all day, if I'd had the time and energy to
keep up with her.
She was also fond of chess pawns. She would hold one in her mouth, the base
pointing forward. She looked so funny, like a cat android, marching back to
drop the pawn at my feet for me to through again.
She stopped the fetch part of the game in recent years, but she always liked
to chase whatever I would through for her. She would bring me rubber bands,
one time, then expect me to go get them wherever they landed for another through.
She had a way of looking at me, as if accusing me of being terribly inefficient
at the game. "Don't you understand the rules???"
Murphy was always a finicky eater. She would sneer at her plate of catfood and
sometimes offer her vocal opinion of the quality of the fare. She often managed
to con us into opening a second can and giving her a choice. And yes, she would
often sneer at that as well. The trick was to leave. She would usually go back
and eat at least part of the offending dinner.
I wonder, now, if her eccentric eating habits let us not notice that she had
almost totally stopped eating until it became apparent that she was very ill.
Perhaps so. I feel enough guilt today that one more feather to that load won't
hurt too much.....
She was always a lean cat, anyway. In warm weather she would often dine on the
results of her hunting.
Murphy was *my* cat. Or maybe I should say it this way: I was her person. She
loved me very much. She is the only cat I've had who would come to me when I
called her. There were times when she sneaked out the door when it was not convenient
to let her out. I'd stop outside, call her and she would come up to me right
away. I would pick her up and take her back inside, to her frustration. No matter
how many times, she would always come. Oh, when she was far away it might take
her a few minutes to arrive! But she never failed to come to me when I called.
Murphy did not have claws. She had tiny scimitars. I still have some scratches
on my hands from trying to give her medicine this past two weeks. She was not
shy about using her claws, even on her person, me, if she thought I deserved
She had the habit of scratching at my blanket before settling down to sleep.
I always tried to stop her, holding her paws. I'd trade all my blankets to have
her back again, shredding my covers.....
When my mother came home from the hospital after major surgery, Murphy seemed
to know she was needed. Murphy spent more time sleeping on my mother's bed in
those weeks of recovery than she had ever done before. I don't know that Murphy
saved her life, but I do know my mother was happier with her around.
Murphy was not a saint. She was often annoying and difficult. (When she wanted
to go out in the rain, for example, and screamed at me over and over, refusing
to accept "no".) But I was not perfect either. We accepted and loved
each other for 10 years. It was not long enough.
I could go on. And on. There is a gigantic hole in my heart and these words
only partly fill it.
Murphy. 1989 -- 1999.
all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly
forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.