analog 45

Date: Tuesday, October 28 1998


so much stuff is always running through my head at all times, that i put
off writing analogs...'cause it's just so hard to explain what is going
through my head lately. so onward i plunge into yet another uncohesive
analog. my show i did with purrotika went well. i think we mystified some
people. some had thought i was going to do my songs. but it was improvised
avant garde. the place was super packed..maybe about 200-300 people! the
walker art center even had a sign up by the door that said" this
performance may contain nudity" ! well that amused me to no end! my
reputation proceeds me. i was going to take that sign home with me, but i
forgot to. the thing about the show that threw both fetik
3 and i, is
that we thought we were supposed to be background music for the art
opening. we thought no one would be paying attention to us, and that
people would eat hors d’ourves ( sp?) and talk while we were playing. but
this was not the case! the walker had set up a bunch of chairs for people
to sit in to watch us, and there was nothing else going on in that room
but us!  we weren't prepared to be visual that night. so i hid behind
the equipment and under a table. it wasn't about me being in front this
time, we were just supposed to be background music. so i played with my
voice and with old 78 dictation records, and fetik
3 played the keyboards and drum

machine. at the end we did a cover of The Normal's "Warm
Leatherette" . i love that song :) i brought the mobile cam with. i
thought it was kind of ironic that the people who were there could not see
me, but u could see me on the net from home. i have a lot of songs i'd
like to write right now...but i need a piano to get them out properly.
it's very frustrating. i don't know what to do. maybe i can rent a piano... i can't
buy one yet, 'cause any xtra money that i'm trying to save is going to go for a new
computer first. my computer is totally dying from being on 24/7 for over a
year. we got the dsl lines finally installed, but i can't even tell,
'cause my computer is falling apart. all the leaves are falling off the
trees now, it's very pretty but it makes me sad because i hate winter so
much. i can't believe i'm here for another winter. i just never did get
enough money to pack up and go to l.a. but maybe someday, i hope. i love
the ocean so much! i need it! we finally bought three shelves, you can see
one of them in the living room. the other two are in the new "thing room".
u can't much tell the progress i've made in cleaning, but progress has
indeed been had. soon all the boxes in the hall will be cleared up,
and someday we'll start to actually decorate! it is awfully stark in
here, and although i want a more minimalistic feel to this place, i still
need some paintings on the walls and stuff. speaking of paintings, i'm
auctioning one off right now at a search for my name will
bring you there. i'm going to keep putting paintings up there for auction,
then maybe i can start saving money for a rainy day instead of living
month to month. that would be a dream come true! then i could get
frivolous things like health insurance and stuff :) ha! but money that i
make for it right now will go for a new computer for anacam. and i need a
kick-ass video card to make the pix look better.

another thing i'm doing in order to make money for a new computer,  a
piano, and also to help pay for the costs of anacam ( which some of you still
don't seem to understand that it's thousands a month!) is attempting to get more
banners on my site. ya, i know, i'd rather not have banners either. but
such is life that i must pay the bills and get a new computer and get a
piano so that i can write new songs. so if you'd like to advertise on
anacam, please let us know! information about the rates is available if u
click on the banner about it. i've made the rates as low as $25 for 1,000
impressions!  go to for more information.

i've heard that my song "hollywood" is getting some play at a club called liquid
in miami. i've also heard that my cd "" has sold about 1,000 copies
, so far at this date, and the single has sold about the same amount. i
didn't know if that was good or bad, so i asked my record company what
they thought, and they said it was pretty good for no tour and little radio play.

i dunno, i think that it doesn't sound like very many! so,
please, if u would, call up your radio stations and start requesting songs
from my cd. let the radio stations know that u want to hear me. that's the
only way they'll play it. if they don't know who i am, just keep bugging
them , and they'll go get a copy and play it :)

if u are wondering yourself what my music sounds like, just go to: and there are sound clips on there. there is a lot of
other stuff to, like realvids of me on hardcopy and vibe, in case u were
curious to see that. and there are some really super big high resolution
photos that u can download ( ya, remember i DID have hair at one time!) my
hair is starting to grow back :) it's so fuzzy and soft!

and will keeps adding to his "beautiful accident" ana fan site! it's so
remarkable, i'm SO honored! he has even made an ana coloring book! here
is the url:

and while i was searching with search engines for new stuff about me(
looking for illegal links and stuff), i decided to do a search on me
misspelling my name "anna" 'cause lots of people do that...i serendipitously
found a song written about me! it's called "annacam" here is the link to
it: it
was a very strange feeling to come across a song about me and be able to
hear it right then and there! and i found out that a local band called
rank strangers wrote a song called "ana voog is sleeping" what an
appropriate title! so now i started a section in "anarchives" which contains
links to songs about me. so if you've written one and a person can hear it
on the net, let me know and i'll link to u :) it's such a strange a
wonderful feeling to hear a song written about you! it makes me feel so
WEIRD, but in a good way :)

oh! and on november 17th i'm going to be on a talk show called
"northwest afternoon" . so if u live in the northwest part of this
country, tune in. also on that show will be a person from the real
world( i think the miami season?) and a woman named cindy who also has a
cam. her url is here:

and mart's incredible, the place that u can see
archives of anacam is soon to be no more! mart found another job and
must move all of that off of that server. when i found out how many gigs a
month he transferred..i was truly floored at what an incredible service he
was offering the public for free! THANK U MART!!!! so, if anyone is
interested in taking over geek-nation, let me know. u must be able to show
nudity on your site, tranfer a lot of gigs and have a lot of storage
space. i don't know who is up for the job. but mart tells me that
maintaining it is very simple. 

a very incredible site that u MUST SEE NOW. is
it is thee most beautiful site i've EVER seen!! 

right now i'm in the middle of "all nude all week" week :) i'm on day 3!
it just did it spur of the moment as just a funny thing to do to celebrate
"the harvest".  thank god it's been an unusually warm week for october. i
remember one year we had a HUGE blizzard on halloween! it was fun for me,
'cause i don't own a car and i don't drive. anyway, i hope all of u are
taking this nude week as just a fun thing, because that's all it's meant
as :) i guess i just wanted to see if i could even go a whole week without
wearing clothes..and it's actually hard to do! now , on day three, i'm
starting to feel a bit overexposed, if ya know what i mean...and i'm
missing that nice cocoon feeling of clothing! my skin isn't used to
feeling everything all the time! i wonder if by day 7 i'll start curling
up like an armadillo?

3( jason) and i finally went food shopping together for the 1st
time! yes, the first! we eat out toooooo much! we bought 6 bags of
groceries! yay! 
and fetik
3 has acquired a 16 channel mixer for only a hundred dollars! so
now he is going to use it to write music, and we used it when we played
live at the walker, and right now , as i type, he is doing his net radio
show called "avant now audio now" which he does every tuesday at 7CST. if
u want to tune in , go to: and click on "sound". 

another cool thing is isabella ( and i have struck up
a deal! now, if you join ana2, or are currently a member, you have the
option of joining isabella's site and getting $10 off her usual price of
$21! so for ana2 members, isabella cam is now only $11 !!! and you CANNOT
beat that because she is the queen of eroticism :) she is the lighting,
color and set design extraordinaire!

3 and i are going to start experimenting with playing live on the
net, but because our server can only handle 60 people listening at a time,
it will be for ana2 members only.

sorry if this makes all u non-ana2 members cranky...but if it weren't for
the ana2 members financial support, there would be no anacam at all. it's
because of them, that anacam is still free. so they get the

well, this hasn't been much of a "spilling my guts" kind of analog, it's
been more of "here's a bunch of information". there's a lot i'm going
through right now with me thinking about the whole philosophy of the
recording industry business ...what i thought it was, and what it really
is. and what i thought i wanted out of it 15 years ago, may not necessarily
be what i want out of it now that i'm 32. so i'm going through a very
difficult process of sorting through all of it. and when i'm in more of a
position of wanting to speak about it, i will.

but that has been taking up much of my energy. and that's what i've been
feeling and thinking about mostly as winter is almost here.

life is strange. 

luv and pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream,
previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10
analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20
analog 21
analog 22
analog 23
analog 24
analog 25
analog 26
analog 27
analog 28
analog 29
analog 30
analog 31
analog 32
analog 33
analog 34
analog 35
analog 36
analog 37
analog 38
analog 39
analog 40
analog 41
analog 42
analog 43
analog 44

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.