
Date: Wed, 28 Jan. 1998

here are all the posts i made to the anacam list so far...if u would like to join in the discussion (you'll get about 50 emails day more or less) go to and where it says subscribe type: anacam


yay! it is working! i hope it continues to work! :)
it's almost 6am for me now, and i think i'll go scrounge up food and finally go to bed! i posted about this mailing list on a bunch of bulletin boards (peeping moes, live cam fans, dankitti's ana bbs, ana voog @imusic) so maybe we will all start receiving too much mail soon. oh, no! LOL!
for those of you who don't know there is also a newsgroup:

and i think my new analog will be up tomorrow by the late afternoon, but i'm not sure 'cause hard rock who puts it up there 4 me is not feeling well. :(

i wish i had some doughnuts right now. i like thise raised doughnuts rolled in sugar.

but, i think all i have is ramen :( oh sadness for my stomache :(


well, this is REALLY GROOVY!!!! in fact i'm so excited that now it really is 6am and i just wanted to send another email because i'm some sort of obsessed technology glutton and i never had a mailing list b 4. weeeeeee! woo hoo!
i think there are about 50 people signed up so far.
hello everyone in other countries, so cool i can talk with u :) and we can all talk to each other!
maybe everybody should introduce themselves so we know a little bit about who we are talking to, to make things more personal.
well, u already know who i am, probably more than u want to know!:) ok, i am really going to look 4 food now. then go to bed. the sun should b coming up any minute.
tomorrow i have an interview with the local paper here at 4pm CST. will i clean my house? we shall see.

i would like to know, for people in other countries where english is perhaps not your main language, does it really confuse u when i play with words by spelling for-4 and be-b and you-u? etc?
or werdz-words, etc etc? i hope it does not confuse u, i like to play with words.

ok bi,

this is just too kooky. so i have to write another. it's 7am now and i just ate 3 oranges and some popcorn.
maybe i should update u hourly on my body temperature. what do ya think? oh funny, i just remembered, when i write u from this email account it looks like it's coming from yoko ono doesn't it?
hehee :)i totally forgot about that.
here is an important fact :distilled water is NOT, i repeat NOT tasty to drink. beware.

ok, i'm going to go to bed now. really.....

luv and hyperness,

andrew wrote:
We know you're bi, ANA. The question is, will the new boyfriend be up for a threesome?

ana sez:
who sez that i am up for a threesome??? just because one is bi doesn't mean one particularly wants to have orgies. i think that is a common misconception about bi people. that we are not inherently monogamous. and if u r a bi woman then it's always like "oh, when r u going to b with another woman so all the men can watch 'cause we think that's oh so pretty, cute, sexy, etc."

kirk wrote:
You really should not drink distilled water, it is loaded with free electrolytes that have an incredibly laxative effect on the body. Not a good thing.

ana sez:
yuck. i did not know that. what r FREE electrolytes? also, i did not notice it had any strange effect on my body. but i'm not one to usually drink distilled water, it just happened to b left over here by someone and i was thirsty.

[][-_-][] wrote:
First off, please please please don't include the message you are replying to in it's entirety. Select the specific sentences that you are responding to and only those sentences. It's very annoying to scroll through a message which contains the entire e-mail that they are responding too, and then simply adds something at the end like "me too".

Also if you are responding to something that should be sent directly to the person who wrote it, and not the whole anacam list, make sure that the person's e-mail addy is on the To:, and that it isn't being CC'd to

ana sez:
yes! thank u siam 4 saying that...i was going 2 get around 2 that...but i'm glad u sed it so i could just copy it and say YES! PLEEZ everyone REALLY read that and adbide by that, it will make this SO much easier 4 everyone! :))))

btw, i love everyone's introductions...and i'm sorry to the spiderwoman who plays flute who had a bad day. :(
now, it's 2:15pm and i just woke up. at 4 i'm being interviewed 4 the st.paul pioneer press. so i better get a move on and take a shower and move all my stuff off the floor, at least enough to make a path to my couch :) hehee :)
ok! bi!


i'm eating potato pancakes and listening 2 the flying lizards. my interview went ok, but i'll see how it gets edited. i have no idea what he'll write. the last time i saw him i punched him because he was obnoxious. but it was good this time. critics r weeeeird. maybe i'll take a nap now. then siam iz coming over at 10pm. then we will probably eat more pancakes, because it is a pancake sort of day. this has been an ANA update. 8:07pm


i just woke up.3:30pm . ate a lemon poppyseed muffin. it's grey here. grey grey grey. augh. i'm in IRC talking. if ever u wanna come there: #analove
i am taping my first 2 records for people who ordered them from ANAmart eons ago...because i have been a terrible procrastinator due to anxiety and lack of focus for these things. but i;m getting them done now. and i shall keep going....
taping taping taping...
it is 2 albums i did , one in 1987 and one in 1992. u can order them from anamart if u live in the u.s.
there are only 166 of my enhanced cd single left at so get 'em while u can. only 1.99. after more. it will b quite a collector's item if ever i get "famous" lol

grey grey grey day/ i'm drinking a coke now and just took and excedrin, so i'll be whizzing on caffeine and sugar soon.

talking in irc...talking talking....
about absinthe and ghb. so tell me WHERE do u get absinthe in chinatown??? and tell me of your mannequin, natalie wood :))))

i'm going to move to hollywood this year :) yessirrreee.

84 people are so far subscribed to this mailing list. hello lurkerz!

ok, that's it 4 now. i'm doing too much muti-tusking...

luv and absence,

> i am taping my first 2 records for people who ordered them from ANAmart eons ago..

dankitti sez:
including mine, maybe? :)

ana sez:
yes! i'm sorry i've been more than a procrastinator. i taped 7 tapes today, now i just have to write out the songs on those card insert things.

i'm just out-of-it today....but at the same time i'm thinking so much(even in my dream-state) about future creative endeavours i want to do and am going to do. including this sinday at 7th st...i'm figuring out the logistics of how to pull off what i want with the least amount of hassle. and i have to get all this equipment and set it up in three days.

plus tomorrow at 4 that paper that interviewed me yesterday wants to take my picture. *sigh* like there isn't enough pictures of me already.

and i'm thinking of somg ideas, or i don't know if i'd call them songs, but musical ideas. and it's still so vague in my mind and kinda unconventional that i can't convey it here yet.
but i'm excited.

plus i just have to get down to the business of cleaning my house. eeek. i wonder when that will happen? not this week, i don't think.

and keifer who maintains my anacam site is coming to visit for a few days on friday, so i'm excited about that! it's so weird to have relationships with people via the computer and even do business together and never meet! but finally we shall. perhaps you'll see him on my cam this weekend! he has come down for my "show" whicjh i don't know why, because it's onlt screaming for 20 mn. but he wanted to b there :) hehee

i'm right in the middle of pms so i'm feeling rundown and i fluxuate between feeling like shaving my head and throwing everything i own out the window into a snowbank and dancing to the b-52's on a trampoline to just laying there listening to brian eno.

so i mostly just lay there listening to brian eno so as to not freak anyone out. especially my sweet pets :)

now it's 9:30pm and i've awoken from a nap that i still feel 1/2 inside, and i'm going to try to "do something" although from the cam standpoint it will most likely seem like i'm just staring and sitting still, which , in fact, i am, but i am doing alot of things, they r just mostly within the realm of my mind at the moment.

haven't been feeling like "making pix" with my cam and getting into that the last weeek. i must have used up that creative juice in the first week of january when for an entire week i was just going-to-town making incredible pictures 6-10 hours straight in te middle of the night almost every night.

my whole body feels like a bloatation device because of pms, so i think i'll go make some soothing tea now and put on some soothing music and stuff. and write out all the song titles on those little cards 4 the cassettes.

thank u everyone for your introductions, i'm very much enjoying them, and i hope everyone else is, too. for those of you who just came on the list of haven't introduced yourself yet, please let out a big or little yelp of a hello, just so we know u r alive and out there.

oh here is what another local paper said about the upcoming show (notice they said i have double D breasts....HELLO????....and said my "failed art-pop band"....ummmmm...ok, NEWS 2 ME! LOLOLOL!!!! and does anyone know what a "situationiste" is???? )


Music best bet for Sun, Jan 25, 1998

Ousia headlines this ambient-music party. Their What Is a Four? is an elusive, often impossible album that buries funk breakbeats in a keyboard-sampler drone. Sound awful? In fact, it's kinda mesmerizing. Also playing are the equally cyber-sexy Myriad, and Skye Clad. But the night's most memorable treat may come via a cameo by Ana Voog. The former frontwoman in the failed art-pop band The Blue Up?, she recently had her chest bolstered to size double-D, all in a situationiste attempt to "reinvent" herself as a multimedia anti-celeb. Anyway, she's got a very successful Web site and a new record,, out soon. I gotta admit it; I'm intrigued. $5. 8 p.m. First Avenue, 701 First Ave. N., Mpls.; 338-8388. (Dolan)

that's all 4 now. :)
tOdd wrote:
In a fit of whimsy I sent her an old monitor, I get a big kick out of the fact that something that sat in my living room has translocated thousands of miles away and has sat in Ana's (no idea if she uses it). Also sent a copy of "Riven" but I don't think she's into playing games.

ana sez: yes, todd, thank u 4 the monitor :) then i sent it to keifer/hardrock who maintains my site as a method of payment for helping me 'cause he works so hard for no pay and had no monitor, but the monitor didn't work :( and i LOVE riven! it's gorgeous! but i had to delete it temperarily from my harddrive cause i ran out of room. but as soon as i get more room....back to riven i go :))

rob sed:
Anyway, as I understand it, Absinthe is a liquer not unlike Patis, = Jaegermiester, and other herbal based drinks. The primary flavor = ingredient is wormwood, which gives it a licorice flavor

ana sez: i heard wormwood tastes like shit. but i'm really interested. what is patis?

and THANK U GERRY for telling everyone the right time to listen to the radio show :)))

today, i hurried up and finished 7 casstees that people ordered frum anamart, then jp came over to get them and mailed them off. he brought me some yummy chicken and i ate it and got ready reallt fast 4 siam to come and get me to go buy some body paint for my show on sunday. i also bought a jenni mccarthy calendar :) and a spin mag. and then siam and i went to his dad's birthday party and ate too much bbq ribs and icecream.

i cancelled getting my pic taken today 'cause there is enough pix of me on the net 4 them to take and i was so busy.
when i got home, i checked my email, and bbs, and newsgroup, lolol. i'm too addicted , i swear. i think this is probably more entertaining 4 me than 4 u!

then i was in irc a long time chatting here and there. and looking at the spin mag. and i missed isa taking a milk bath. sadness.

all of a sudden it is almost 4am.

tomorrow i don't have any particular plans for the daytime. but keith is coming here at 11pm by train. and in the next fewdays i want to practice singing and clean my house a bit. saturday i have to figure out some drum beat midi stuff 4 my show on sunday. sunday i'll just b getting ready and painting my body all day and being nervous.

i still haven't paid my bills this month or rent. i don't know how much i have in the bank, i'm afraid to find out.
i'm totally in pmsland of feeling intense. but today was a good mood.

next week siam and i are going to start getting together regularily to do music stuff. he is going to show me how to just make it up spontaneously as i go along. i am used to working with myself and writing all the parts alone on a 4-track within the structured pop context. it is exciting 4 me to branch out.

i feel ideas forming as if i were pregnant, which is why i keep having a lot of dreams about being pregnant lately.

i think i'll listen to the last hour of art bell now then go to sleep. goodnight/goodmorning/goodafternoon.

i am still really enjoying everyone's introductions....

luv and wax paper,

oooo, i'll write something good later... i'm so PMSed out today. just took a bath. had too many phone calls today. read spome articles on me on the net
Dutch NRC Handelsblad
videography magazine
st.paul pioneer press

i'll get ya the URL's later....

my cam keeps crashing a lot today it's driving me nuts. my muscles r in a knot and i just want to eat doughnuts. i'm going to lie down now and try to relax a bit to loosen up. just took a bath.

i love to learn about absinthe. i must find some, i'm intrigued.

ok, i'll write more later....


hi, i don't know how it got so late/early all of a sudden. i'm listening to art bell( and it's kinda boring tonight.
i watched trainspotting tonight with siam. it was the letterbox edition. i REALLY liked it. i want to see it again. it didn't help my anxiety, though. i'm feeling so much anxiety lately a lot of because of this show on sunday. i haven't played out live in any fown in a few years, and i always get nevervous to do anything live. and i'm just a really nervous person besides. and this will be totally made up on the spot, something i've never done. and it's gotten local press, and it was just supposed to be this "not a big deal " thing. i've probably made it more of a big deal than it is. i just am afraid of judgement, it's easier to handle judgement if it;s from the comfort of my house.
doing something live in fromt of people is always more vulnerable to me. i hope people are not expecting anything, like expecting what i'm going to do to even be GOOD. it might REALLY suck. i have never done anything like this b 4, so how can i know?
and with my record coming out in a few months, that whole side of my life is rearing it's head more and more and i'm starting to talk about remixes for singles and what songs to remix and will i play live and if so HOW and with WHO, etc etc. that's what people want to know. but i just cannot discuss that yet. it's like being pregnant and i do not know if it is a boy or a girl, or even if it will be born healthy, do u understand?
so during my musical pregnancy, i'm feeling very nauseous and emotional and craving strange things in the middle of the night. i toss and turn and have exhausting dreams.
i feel on the edge of yet another metamorphiis. how MANY metamorphisis' can one possibly go through in life? i seem to turn into a new insect every week it seems. i'm molting so much that my exoskeletons are starting to take over my house like dust bunnies.
time to exfoliate and extricate my soul, house, body, spirit, mind... but when you're in the middle of a hormonal fever, nothing really matters except survival. i grrrrrr at anyone who comes near my egg and puff out my feathers and turn funny colours.
maybe u get what i'm trying to say, maybe u think i'm mad.
it doesn't matter, i guess. i don't know.
sop i'm hoping to get tired soon. cause i'm always awke when i want to basleep and asleep when i want to b awake, but i thank god 4 that luxury or i'd jump off a cliff (if there were any cliffs near, but there are only snow banks)

my dog is curled up on the couch.
i think i have to turn off art bell, because i just hate politics. especially in the midst of anxiety. clinton whatever blah blah. i'd never want to b president. borrrrrring.

i'm going to go lay down and try to calm down again. soon the sun will be up, well in a few hours, and i'll feel safer. sometimes i adore the night, but not tonight. i want a patch of sunlight to curl up in like a cat.
i want a big gallon of cranberry juice because i am soooooo thirsty.

i'm going to go lay down with my stuffed animals and try to focus on a calm thought. when the sun comes up i'll feel better.

does anyone else feel anxious? like right on the edge of some major life change? do you feel like something BIG is going to happen soon, but u just don't know what? are your dreams stranger than usual?
do you feel emotionally up and down? excited and happy and scared and afraid both? or is it just me?
it's hard to put into words...

that's it 4 now....

bi :)

hi, i was gone mostly all day. i went over to a house where ousia practices and 2 members of ousia helped me figure out how to midi a delay to a drumbeat and they r letting me use their equipment for the show.very very kind of them! i've put so much mental energy into this already, and it's only 20 mn.long. as soon as i start it will b over. then i went out to eat, ans just these two things took until 9pm. when i got home i was so tired, i took a nap, and hardrock/keifer was going to come over here, but since i'm going 2 go 2 bed early tonight, we didn't get together. i'll just seem him tomorrow at the show.
i have to b at soundcheck tomorrow at 4. so i want to get up by noon so i can start getting a little bit ready 4 the night. it will take me about 4 or 5 hours to get "my outfit" put together, i think. and i'm mostly making it up as i go along. i bought this white body paint, and i hope it will work well and not flake. it will probably take 2 or three coats to get it really white and looking 1/2 way decent. plus i have to put the rhinestones on my body b 4 i put the paint on, so i'll have to paint around the rhinestones. i don't know how i'm going to do this. especially how am i going to get my back? i want to put rhinestones going down my spine. i use spirit gum to glue them 2 my body.
hardrock/keifer said he would tape this show and maybe we can put it in realvideo on my site. i hope that will work out.
and i have some white spray paint 4 hair to make my hair all white. usually it would b white anyway, if it were nicely bleached, but such is not the case. and i think i'll spray myself with a nice coat of silver glitter to finish it off. i don't know if i'll slick back my hair or put it in little spikes. i',m leaning towards spikes.
i also have black paint for doing designs on my body. i hope this works out, i've never used this brand of paint b 4. usually i use permanent magic marker. it's hard to make your whole body white. tempera just flakes off, and house paint peels weird, and that grease paint is well...gross.
i even have glo-in-the-dark fingermail polish. and i'll b standing in this black light with other lights swirling. if anything, it will look cool. :)
i haven't decided if i will b totally nude or not. just because i feel all bloated and pmsy. lol. of course it's against the law to b nude, but i don't care. i just do it anyway.
or maybe i'll wear a long white night gown. beats me. i also have some pretty groovy silver glitter stretch pants. ya, maybe i'll wear those... but what about the music u say? ya, well...i dunno...i'm just gonna scream with a lot of delay. that's about it. it's all rather silly. or something. i don't is weird and i'm compelled to do these things. it will b good to get some screaming oit 'cause i have pms. i am not looking forward to washing all this paint off when i get home. nosirree, that is NOT the fun part.
there r 200 people on this list now, so for those of u who have just joined, perhaps u would introduce yourselves? just a short introduction iz cool if u r shy :) i'd just like 2 know who's on this list and where r are all frum :)
now it is 11:40pm, and i will either watch tv, fall asleep, or just get little things ready 4 my show, like take off my blue nailpolish and lay things out for tomorrow so it will be all set to go.
then on monday, i don't think i'll b around much, 'cause i'm going to sleep overnight at my boyfriend's house, and then i'm going to go out to dinner with hardrock/keifer and jp. then i'll b home later on monday and i'l, probably lay around a lot 'cause i'll b just overstimulated from too much stuff.
ok, that's all for now.....
i'm hungry for cake and i don't have any :( just one package of spinach ramen. yuck. that is not cake. that is far from cake.
hey, i still haven't been alone since i had my show. so...i haven't had time to write.
i've been skimming all the emails for the last 1/2 an hour. and HELLO EVERYONE THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTRODUCTIONS :)))

anomer...i used to b scared of dogs, deathly afraid in fact, then i found my little pooka monster dog, who is more like a dr.seuss character...anyway, i'm not as afraid of dogs as i was once was, which is good since there r a lot of dogs in the world. :)

and as far as the thing that everyone thought was spam...well, let'sjust keep surveys out, too. and if u DO have a survey or something that would be questionably to this list, ASK first if people are interested, then send that survey to them seperately, not to the whole list.

also, no putting down of people on here like saying things like "you are a weird freak" to someone. (unless, of course they r a weird freak, in which case, i will take them off the list. and by weird freak i mean disruptive.)

OK! enough of that. i have not slept in a long time and i'm exhausted. i'm still digesting my show, which didn't go as well ass i had hoped because i had a very mean heckler in the audience screaming at me which really threw off my concentration and bummed me out severely. but i will tell u more about it later. i just need to get to sleep now and i'm starting to get a headache as i'm getting my period.

but i'm basically in a very good mood, and i can't wait to take a bubblebath tomorrow because i'm a dirty slob at the moment, covered in cigarette smoke from the nightclub.

goodnight, goodmorning, goodafternoon,

i'm getting all my days mixed up. i think it's the 27th, yesterday i thought i was the 28th.

nope, that wasn't me, zed, as the litle girl in kentucky, but she sounds cool :)

i finally am alone and have the rest of the night to myself, which is glorious. i need to take a bath and just chill out. i didn't get any sleep, 'cause i went to bed at 8am then i just started getting all these phone calls to do with music biz stuff. and i have a migaine today, so now i'm all zombiefied on these pills called midrin, which sometimes work on my headaches, sometimes not. i always get these migraines during my period, it is such an incredible bummmer.
and don't b telling me a bunch of rememdies now, because i have tried them ALL (except acupunture, which i just cannot afford).

so i might have a this headache for a few days now, i don't know. it's just like that.

i had an interview with the new york post at 3pm, which was o.k. a pretty short interview. it'll b out next week, i'll let ya know. also, ya, there is that review of my show at but it says in the interview that i played 5 mn, but it was 20 mn.

i'm almost done being shaken up by that heckler now. all i need now is just no headache and a goodnight's sleep and i should b pretty brand-new.

everything is happening really fast 4 me now. i had this intuitive feeling that a semi was right around the corner, and it is. next week i have to get my pictures taken for promo stuff and the inside of my cd sleeve. so i have to come up with 4 "looks" and shoot lots of pix in 2 days. so i'll be getting my hair rebleached, yay :)

then i think around the 17th i am going to go to l.a. to do a dance remix of either "please god" or "hollywood". i am SO HAPPY I AM GOING TO L.A.!!!i wish i had some $$$ to buy shoes!!! i will also meet with more press when i'm out there and have meetings with with my record label about stuff, ,and maybe take more photos. i don't know how long i'll b gone, maybe 5 days or something.

then when i come back, i will be starting my own radio show on Netradio :) it will b an hour a week. i don't know what day yet. but this is sure a lot to chew on.
plus, i'm going to start writing new music with siam every friday :) i am so excited to see what we will come up with. we are just going to play around with stuff and make it up on the spot and record it on my 4-track. :)

so when am i going to have time to clean my house?
oh, my god, i swear i'm going insane living in this mess. but right now i could clean, but i have such a headache and i'm sooooo tired. so...augh. i just have to clean, though, somehow, some :(

i can't decide if i'm going to go take a bath now or lay down. tonight is just for sleeping and watching tv. yes, i need no more stimulation, and i need to recharge for the next round.

it was nice to meet hardrock/keifer who maintains my site. maybe u saw him hanging out on cam last night with jp and i. i was running arouns and showing him records and stuff. now he's on a train home.

ok, that's all 4 now. <whew>


previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10

analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20

analog 21
analog 22
analog 23
analog 24
analog 25
analog 26

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.