Date: Mon, 10 Nov. 1997, 2 a.m.
i can't sleep, so i've decided i better write a new ANAlog.
i've been so busy lately. i did my first "show" with my webcam at a modern art museum here called the Walker. they projected my cam onto a screen and then i triggered a speech synthesizer via IRC. i think it went ok, considering i'd never done anything like that before. i was nervous and it was hard to type and pose at the same time. i just made it up as i went along. i did another variation on "thee modern grrrl iz thee perfect entertainment valu".
i wished i'd had my period that day so i could've projected my tampon(like i did a few days prior, if u were watching). how many women can say that they had their tampon simulcast around the world at the same time as having it projected 5 feet high at an art museum? :)
actually i was really surprised that i received NO emails about that "piece" i did. except for two that said "ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS??????" i find it interesting that people couldn't even watch it. a little bit of blood on a piece of cotton. something that is so common; it is everywhere, hidden inside millions of women everyday. yet, we all run to the movies and tv to watch aliens ripping out of people's bodies and heads being blown off, blood and brains shooting everywhere, people being burned alive, torture, war, rape, skin being eaten off by chemicals, eyes gouged out. etc etc etc. and we watch it on the news as we eat our nice dinners. and we are practically disappointed if it's not gory enough. but if a picture of a tampon comes up...well, then i've just gone too far. and i'm gross. and that just "isn't right". something which came from no violence at all. what does that say about our culture? did you know that "long ago" hotels useds to have little burners specifically for women to burn their "soiled" clothes with? find out about the strange and hidden history of mentration around the world at the museum of mentration.
there is a link to it in ANArchives, as well as 14 other NEW links to fascinating places!ANAmart is finally up and ready to go too! please help support my site by buying something. :) I WOULD APPRECIATE IT A LOT!
there is also a new ANApix winner, "angel" by cool. i have to say that i think that is my favourite among favourites! i wish i could look like that everyday!
it would also be greatly appreciated if you could contact my record label, radioactive records, and bug the heck out of them to release my cd. read my post at my ana voog bbs at to get all their phone numbers and addresses and emails. (there is a link to the bbs in ANArchives). it would be VERY kind of you if you'd just let your voice be heard to help me out :) good karma 2 u :)
on another note, weren't the last two episodes of X-files great? WOW! i love that show.
i just discovered a woman by the name of Hannah Wilke because a man named samerain sent me a book about her. she is a performance/visual artist, too! and she's COOL! i can't beliebe i hadn't heard of her until now! i really have to research the whole performance art history thing more. i've been researching it a bit here and there on the net. i've been surfing on there a lot more lately. discovering all these fabulously arty things that need a lot of plug-ins and make my computer crash. the best thing i found is it has many links to some of the coolest things i've seen on the net.
like, what a GREAT place! what a GREAT chat room! i am going to hang out in that chat room a bunch. nobody is ever in it. but maybe you'll come visit me there.
you really have to see it to know what i mean :)i'm still in need of monitors so that i can hook them up and see myself in every room, so i know what in the heck i'm pointing at, so you, the VIEWER can have an even broader scope of my incredibly fascinating and beyond messy house! we haven't even DELVED into the "thing" room yet. nor have u seen the inside of my fridge!
so send me monitors pleeeeez if you have any just laying around that you don't use!
my P.O. BOx is in the "about ana" section. and i'll give you special presents if u send one :)
(am i using too many smiley faces again? help me.)let me see, what else? ummm.....
oh, here's some fequently asked questions that i want to answer:Q. whenever i'm watching you, you are asleep. why do you sleep all the time?
A. the hours that i'm usually awake are 4pm to 8am.Q. how is it that you never sleep?
A. the hours that i sleep are usually 8am to 4pm.Q. why is you lighting too bright? and can you turn it down?
A. because i wanted it that way. and yes, i can turn it down, i am in control.Q. did you know that your lighting is green(blue, yellow, purple)?
A. yes.Q. what is the meaning of the sevens on your wall?
A. 7ok, that about sums it up for a minute at least. i guess i'll try to get back to sleep again. lol. :) i think i'll start a haiku page soon. i've received some excellent haikus in the last few months. if you have sent me a haiku and do not wish to have it posted on here, let me know. i'm also working on some other fun stuff, but that's still a secret :)
oh, and i'm also starting an anacam webring! (isn't that cute?) if you want to be included email the anapix email address.
love and the leaves all gone,
previous analogs:
analog1 |
analog11 |
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