
Date: Thu, 16 Oct. 1997

wow, intense day. had to break up a relationship with an alcoholic. that's all i'll go into it. but i'm really drained. so i've just been typing all day to keep my brain from snapping.
the last few days, if you've been watching i've just been mostly hanging out. doing personal stuff. recharging my batteries. doing boring household chores and computer stuff.
coming up with ideas to make some money to keep this sight going. it takes a lot of energy to implement them. but i'm getting there. t-shirt designs r done and should b up in ANAmart soon.

i thought i'd just ask if anyone has any old cams they'd like to donate to my site. it doesn't matter how beat up they are. the recording part doesn't have to work. they just have to turn on. 'cause i want to get a cam in every room so i don't have to drag the one have all over. and there's a lot of places it doesn't reach. when i move from room to room i can switch cams.
also, if u have extra floppies u don't want, send them my way. i need them to put all my pix i'm archiving. pleeeeez. all these little things help.
another thing, if anyone has an old printer they don't want, i'll take it. even if it's just black and white. i'd like to be able to print out all my fan mail to keep and make a little book out of it for myself. :)

and does anyone draw anime? i'd like to make myself into a groovy anime thing.
i don't know anyone who does this.

i added a new link to anime in the links in ANArchives. i especially love Bondage Faeries. but that doesn't link to there.
in ANArchive, there's a new archive,too. Peter's ANAlyze page. i haven't been able to see it yet. my computer keeps crashing.

and if anyone wants to mention me in newsgroups , why not? i think that'd be cool :)
i don't go to any newsgroups at the moment. so if anyone is in one that would be appropriate to mention me in, please feel free to tell people about me :)

i also want to remind everyone that i am now reviewing ANYTHING. so send me things to review , if u want. click on ANAlyst to find out more. i will do my best to spread the word about your product or art , etc. if i like it :)

i think a lot of the ANApix are especially nice this week. and i can tell i'm going to have trouble picking out a winner already! check out the beautiful art in ANApix and don't forget to look at past favourites and winners!

i'm listening to radiohead. it's 6am again. i'm really tired. in a good way.
i have a spaceheater now, so i'm A LOT warmer!

also, i'm selling all the cardboard teacups hanging behind my couch. they are painted on both sides and were a prop for a blue up? show(my old band). i will send them all to the highest bidder.

i am also selling the "Spoonesia" book that u can see on the blue up? web site. (see "about ana" on how to get there). cost $5. Make the check or money order to :Ana Happy Things. See ANAmart of where to send it. i'll sign each one to you personally. make sure you give me your address of where to send it back to you.
and i'm selling my little book "Bear Spirit Guide". also for $5. it's a cute surreal book with pix in it of me before my "surgery" and my nipple rings. LOL.
send a self addressed stamped envelope for that one.
you used to be able to see part of it at Hard Rock's site. but that is temporarily down as he is looking for a new place to locate that site. if anyone wants to donate some space for his archive, write to him at the anapix email in "about ana".

i will also tape my first two cds and send them to you for $20 dollars(all of this includes shipping and handling). i will sign them, too. i will put the 1st cd (never released)called Introducing Sorrow on one side and Cake and Eat It (out of print) on the other side. make check or money order out to Ana Happy things.

sorry(not!) for all this selling business, and for such a business related ANAlog. but this is where i'm at right now. i must pay all my bills!

so that's all i can think of that i can sell right now. unless u see something in my house that u want to buy. i just might sell it to you. :) that's it for now. i must get ready for bed now. i'm about to fall off my chair!

thank u all for your kind emails! they keep me going! don't forget to come and say hi at the ana voog bbs at imusic.

oh! and i almost forgot, my friend robert wants everyone to send him "disgusting email"
so send him the most disgusting email you can muster. i don't know WHY he wants disgusting email, but he'd find it amusing. you can figure out what disgusting is.
send it to :

love and paying the bills,

previous analogs:



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all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.