Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 08:38:38
well, hi again :) it's 8:30am and i STILL haven't gone to bed yet! i was watching princess diana's funeral and it made me really sad and i cried because i'm the overemotional PMS-grrrrl today.
my site was down for many hours today (well, actually yesterday) i don't know what the deal was with that, but, if it does that in the future, just keep checking back, i'm always working on getting it back running.
wow, my hours are whacked. some of you must think all i do is sleep because i'm always asleep in the day!
a lot of you ask, "what is the meaning of the 7s on your wall?" well, i will tell you, (shhhh) the MEANING of the SEVENS iz : 7
ya, that's it, K? :) 7=7
and no i don't have a chatroom yet, perhaps someday soon. i'm piecing this all together as i go along.
thank you everyone for your wonderful supportive emails! i'm sorry i cannot write back, as my email, at the moment, is screwy. so for those of you who ask "would you write me back?" the answer is, for right now, no. i cannot. sorry. i will get an email service that works right one of these days. but i really enjoy reading your emails and they keep me going throughout the day. :)
also, i have a strange request, does anyone know where i can buy a copy of yoko ono's book "Grapefruit"? i am on a gigantic quest for this.
that's all for now, 'cause i'm the crabby PMS girl who needs to get some sleep. check out my archive that the wonderful ChrisR did! click on "doll parts" when you get there, that's my favourite!
i just know there's something important i'm forgetting to tell you, but i can't think of what it is 'cause i'm so darn tired. and my dreams from last night are running through my head, something about siamese twins being cut apart and surviving the trauma.
ok, bye!
love and little paper umbrellas,
analove, ana
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