
Date: Sun, 12 Oct. 1997

hi, it's dark now. i've been typing emails for hours it seems. and i type with basically one finger. takes forever. i'm listening to the new bjork cd(thanks kD!!). i love this cd :)
i think i have to go microwave something. i haven't had anything to eat yet.
it's very rainy. but basically a nice day. i just have so much to do. i'm still working on a cd single cover and t-shirt. takes awhile because of progressive jpg problems and computer crashes.
and just trying to keep up with housecleaning and looking out for pets. plus i want to start excercising everyday. just dancing., that's the only way i like to do it. i did yesterday. i will do it later today. after i eat. after i write this.

lots of updates to this site. riotnrrd is this week's winner of the ANApix section :)
check it out, and check out all the past favourites and past winners if you haven't already!

i added 3 new links. (ANAlinks is now called ANArchives, 'cause there's so many archives in there)
a link to Dame Darcy's Paper Doll Fun. i want one!!! does anyone know how to write a programme like that 4 me?
and the Crop Circle Connector. i think crop circles would make great tattoos!
and Nirvanet which is chock(what's a chock?) full of goodness and one of the best designed sites, IMO.

you can now talk to me on the phone and help me support this site by clicking on ANAmart! get yer ANAfone card today! :)heheee :)

also, there is a new section called ANAlyst where i will be reviewing ANYTHING i like :) so send me stuff to revew! click on ANAlyst for more details.

my cat will still not go in the litterbox. (yes, it's CLEAN, yes, i give her attention)
anyone want a cat? :)

now i'm listening to the new Portishead cd. ya! (thanks kD!!)

i had a TON of fun with wingdings yesterday. Bue probably has them on his site (see ANArchive)
and i just discovered wingdings2!! so i'm about to delve into that! :)

i did not have ONE migraine headache during my entire period which is a first in YEARS! YAY! i've been taking feverfew everday for over a month now. i wonder if it was that that helped. whatever it is, i'm grateful.

i think i'm going to start working on a ANAcam calendar, are u interested?
if anyone has any ANApix art they think wold be cool for it. submit it to ANApix. see "about ana" for the email of where to send that.

i just switched a little button that switched my pic from progressive jpg to just jpg.
let me know which one u like better.

how am i doing as a person? pretty good. just a little frazzled from so much stuff i'm dealing with. trying to keep up with it all. sometimes i have a freak-out session about it. but other times i'm good. i'm going to start a new med called Paxil to help me with my nervousness. i've always been a nervous person. had fainting spells as a child and they hooked me up to machines at the Mayo clinic to see what was wrong. but they found nothing. i'm just nervous is all.

i'm kind of depressed that it looks like i'm not getting out of here before the winter comes AGAIN. this will be my 31st winter. i think i deserve to move now!
but i have to save up $ before i can get out. but i'm determined to do!!! aaaa!

i just can't wait until i'm out of this town, and i have a loft space where i can paint.
and i will still have my cam. and you can watch me paint giant paintings.:)

that's it for now. i have to go put packages together for all the ANApix winners now.

love and infinite abundance,

previous analogs:



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all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.