
Date: Fri, 31 Oct. 1997, 2:37 a.m.

it's been awhile since i wrote a new ANAlog, so i thought i'd better! i can't comprehend that tonight will be all hallo's eve. i have no comprehension of time anymore. each year i always try to find someone to take me trick or treating, 'cause i'm so small, i can pass for a kid and i love free candy! i also like to go to the really rich neighbourhood so i can peer into their fabulous houses. once i arrived up to a house where inside the whole decor was white and a man dressed all in white answered the door. he offered to have us come in for a drink , but for some reason we were afraid and we didn't. i always regretted not going in there. it looked so cool :)

i'm watching bad late night tv. i'm feeling rundown today so i'm taking lots of echinacea and vitamin c and laying low.

last night i went to see U2, it was visually incredible! i was quite impressed! i LOVE U2. i wish somehow i could tell them about my cam, i just know they'd get a kick out of it. :)

oooo, i'm looking at myself in the cam right now, and my eyes look so dark. video really accentuates flaws in a terrible way. like if u have circles under your eyes, it looks like you're at death's door. i hate that! sometimes i look very sickly , even when i'm not.
the only thing that rectifies it is very bright lighting and a lot of make-up...and i just can't deal with that 24/7. so if i look like i'm dying of a dreaded disease and i'm really depressed looking, i'm usually not, it's just the lighting.

i'd like to ask everyone a question who has a cam...what system do u prefer? i use webcam 32 , but i am wondering about other options. i wish there was a consumer report about this. which system has the least amount of gliches?

also, i'd really like to set up a monitor in every room so i can see the countdown on the webcam 32 so i know when it's going to take a picture and what it's going to take a picture OF! i have so much i want to show in my other rooms but i'd just be pointing at things blindly, not knowing what was being photographed. does anyone know how to link monitors together so i can see what's happening?
and does anyone have any xtra monitors they don't want? i don't care if the colours on them are wacky, as long as i can see a picture. :)
thank u SO much to everyone who sent me floppies! i have SO many now! woo hoo!
i also have a few more cams and a little printer :)))) i haven't turned them on yet, i just received them, and i have to get paper for the printer. and i have to get my friend to make a switch so i can switch between cams so i don't have to unplug everything all the time. keep the cams coming 'cause i'm going to get them at every angle in every room! it will be so cool!

send weird cams in any condition to:
P.O. BOx 583161
Minneapolis, Mn. 55458

also, if you want me to review ANYTHING of yours, click on ANAlyst for details :)
and click on ANAmart if you want to help me keep this site running!
i really need your support! it's VERY expensive to keep this running and if you want to keep it here, please support i by buying SOMETHING in ANAmart. it would be appreciated more than you know! :)

all the leaves are mostly off the trees now. :( it's all cold even if it's sunny. soon it will snow. the second i can figure out a way to save money, i'm OUTTA here!
i think about the ocean every day...every hour....

i love the new anapix :) keep them coming. i enjoy it so much! and i know i keep saying this, but thank you for my kind email ! i greatly look forward to reading it everyday and it recharges me and makes me know that what i'm doing means something. thank you thank thank you :))))

love and the new year,

p.s. yes witches are real. it is a nature based religion and their motto is "do what you will , and harm none". it is a very kind religion that has been greatly misunderstood.
get informed.

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