Date: Fri, 2 Jan. 1998
my 1st ANAlog of the new year! my new year's eve was sure better than xmas, i can tell u that! xmas couldn't have sucked more. i went to my mom's and she just freeeeeeeeeeked on me about the cam saying that "my life is more destructive than if i were shooting heroin"and "i'm a prostitute" and "it's like i'm dead to her now". so.....ok. i cried and stayed in a room with pooka. it was just a terrible xmas. and that's all i have to say about that. augh.
on new year's i went to see Ousia play. u can link to their site and hear their music:
then i went and had beers with my friend at a seedy chinese restaurant. it was fun :)
i got voted in the top 25 best web sites 4 jan/feb by some other site...i can't remember. there is an article on me out in CAKE magazine. u can link 2 their site: www.cakemagazine.comi got a little blurb in the local paper here, and that was nice :)
there were a ton of anapix this week, 'cause it was two weeks worth. go see all the faves and winners :)
there was a little article on me in The New York Post :)
and i found out that Willian Gibson, author of "neuromancer"(he also coined the term "cyberspace"!) watches me from time to time!
let's see what house is still a mess, as u can see :) pooka is happy. nova still won't go in the litterbox and i'm at my wits end.
i added a whole bunch of new archives to ANArchives. and a new link to: pink floyd music on the net 24/7?? what more could u want???
the sun is going down now. i only had 3 hours of sleep last night so i might take a nap. i've been watching a lot of movies lately. i've seen : "liar, liar", "immortal beloved", "shine"(i highly recommend this one!), "the english patient", "persona", "stalker", "solaris", "ironman", "bugsy"," babe", "bear", "mr. and mrs. bridge", "i am curious(yellow)", "city of lost children","four weddings and a funeral" and "flash gordon" :)
january 25th at 7th st. entry i will be doing a "screaming piece" and being an android go-go dancer 4 Ousia.
don't forget u can hear my music and see me in realvideo at
on jan 12th my single goes on sale on the net. it will have on it 2 songs "please god" and "hollywood" and also will contain the video that is on :) they r making these in a small quantity. so b sure 2 buy yours that day, or they'll maybe all be gone. :)
that's about it for now, i think. naptime :)
love and vitamin c,
previous analogs:
analog 1 |
analog 11 |
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