
Date: Sat, 20 Dec. 1997

i fell asleep at 9pm, now i woke up at i'm up writing this. i'm watching isabella,2. u should check her out. (i think , i hope that's the url).
i can't believe it's almost xmas. i used to really dig holidays,now i just don't care about them. at least for the last few years. i just have a different agenda at the moment. whatever that is.
i had an incredible dream while i was sleeping. and it was actually mostly good, which is pretty rare for me because mostly i dream about war and stuff. but this dream was about the dance of atoms and opposites and the four directions and life and death and the veils inbetween and all the elements and cones of power and spiralling energy and the use and misuse of it. wow. was it ever cool. and i wish i could do it justice by telling it to you now in words. but i can't. i wish i could just save it like a movie for you to see in realvideo. it was just soooo incredible, and the costumes would definitely get an award :)
wow, in this dream i could feel all the layers of energy be they physical or more ethereal.i could feel what it was like inbetween life and death, and i could feel my dead cold body and my living body and my energy body all in one like layers. i cannot explain. and i found it really fun!i could feel all my old dead bones creaking and feel my energy body all around it feeling like soft warm fuzzy liquid energy. it was soooo cooool! and i was dancing all these dances with veils with other people and it all meant all this stuff. and it was all the dance of life force energy in it's myriad of dances. wood, metal, fire, air, spirit. and i remember a teacher telling me after i'd learned all these "powers" and "magick" that to keep passing them on to the "right "people one should mask their teachings in silliness so that the "evil" and the "fools" would not understand the meaning and would scoff and pass this wisdom by, which they were not ready for. and the teacher asked me if i had thought of anything suffiently silly and i said "yes! i have come up with the perfect thing! i am woman! and not only that, but i am a silly looking woman!" and the teacher smiled and was very pleased and thought this was an excellent plan, i was prepared to start teaching my own classes now. and i was soooo happy and i ran to a corner of the room where i would teach and start to dance a silly dance with veils to attract potential students. :)
anyway, right now, i feel really really good about this dream. :))) it has infused me with much energy. and i want to get back on the track of dancing in this life and excercising and eating more "pure" foods, so that i am a better conduit of energy/information.
information= that which is in formation :)
now i'm not of the theory that in order to b a spiritual person one must eat pure foods, etc...but i think it can ASSIST. and heck, i could use some assistance!(as i drink a swig of coke-a cola here...god, i love this stuff! help me!)
i feel on the verge of making some big energy shift. i have learned SO MUCH about the the way energy moves from this whole cam experience! i have learned SO MUCH about projection and layers and filtering layers and ingesting energy and discarding energy and filtering energy and assimilating energy and moving energy and making energy sculptures and redistributing energy and playing with energy and refracting energy and getting sick on energy and getting well on it, and still remaining centered and balanced and knowing who i am yet becoming ever increasingly "transparent" and reflective :))) weeeee! ya! yikes! yowee! ya! holy cow! :)) i feel happeeee and excited :)
and tomorrow i'm leaving to go visit my mom for a few days. i'll be gone from the 21st-the 26th. approximately. if i feel like staying longer, i will.
at first i didn't want to go, but now i'm very excited because i haven't been in a house that is not humming with 5,000 electrical appliances lately. i think it will be like visting the desert not to hear the constant hum of computers for awhile. and how weird will it be to not be watched? who will be there to watch me eat xmas dinner?? well, MOM will! :) LOL :)it will be an interesting "escape" for awhile and i'll be scarfing xmas cookies all day :) and hopefully i'll get some meditating and reading done. and my mom has a fireplace, and i loooooove fire!! :) ( i'm a double aries , y'know)
ok, since i was talking about silliness up there, here's a few posts on silliness, satire and parody:
i wrote this:
Posted by ANA on Dec 14, 97 at 18:43:21:

for those of u who think i have no sense of humour about myself and think i need to b cut down for some reason. i think i already do a pretty good job of parodying myself already :)
ya, the toy thing in my pussy, don't you think that what a parody? it sure was! i was laughing the whole time i did it :) i have a good time doing what i do!
ya, i agree, i think pussies are ugly sometimes. i definitely wasn't going for "beauty" that night:) lol i was going for a good laugh :))) also, yes, i agree, i think my nipples DO point in funny directions. oh, well.
ya, i probably went to big on the boob job. but such is life, y'know. hey, how was i to know what they'd look like? it was my 1st time i ever did something like that. and i don't regret it one bit. i have a fun lot of with them :)
and yep, my nipples point on funny directions now. c'est la vie. maybe someday i'll get more money to "fix it" for ya. LOL! maybe i'll just get 17 nipples all pointing funny all over my body! hehee! life is for playing :)
and yep, i DO sleep a lot , sometimes. yep. okay. so i like to sleep or something. maybe i'm dying of some sort of sleep disease. could happen. but i'll just continue sleeping with my funny nipples and my weird pussy and my strange life or my boring life or whatever u want to call it. i just want everyone to know that i never said anything i do is IMPORTANT. or that everything i do is art. i never said that everything i do is art. that would be silly. people seem to be getting the idea that i'm some sort of self-important artist...nah...i ain't. i'm the girl with the funny nipples who sleeps a lot on the net. u r the ones who put meaning to it.:)
i'll just keep doing what i do till i don't want to do it anymore. that's all folks.
oh, and to add more faults for ya, i think my spine is crooked and i have bad skin. i also have a broken finger, u can see the scars under my fake breasts, my hair is so fake blonde that it's crisped to death. i think i have a weird nose, too. perhap's someday i'll just go buy a whole new body, just for your entertainment.
if i do, what kind would u prefer? and i'll try to get the nipples right next time. sorry 'bout that :)
love and all that faerie queen stuff,
ANA :)
p.s. oh ya, my cd isn't even out yet. not until spring. but go ahead and hate it already if u want to. :)
also, here is a great page anomer just made called " Ana Voog Ate My Balls" :)

and here is a poem that andrew made called "The 13 Days of Ana" that i think is quite hilarious :)
and i'll leave you with this little xmas tiding poem...

take it away andrew...

Posted by Andrew on Dec 19, 97 at 15:40:35:

On the first day of ANA, her webcam showed to me a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the second day of ANA, her webcam showed to me two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the third day of ANA, her webcam showed to me three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the fourth day of ANA, her webcam showed to me four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the fifth day of ANA, her webcam showed to me five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the sixth day of ANA, her webcam showed to me six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the seventh day of ANA, her webcam showed to me seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the eight day of ANA, her webcam showed to me eight haiku homeworks, seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the ninth day of ANA, her webcam showed to me nine Star Trek reruns, eight haiku homeworks, seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the tenth day of ANA, her webcam showed to me ten hours of sleeping, nine Star Trek reruns, eight haiku homeworks, seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the eleventh day of ANA, her webcam showed to me eleven silver marbles, ten hours of sleeping, nine Star Trek reruns, eight haiku homeworks, seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the twelfth day of ANA, her webcam showed to me twelve plastic bearcubs, eleven silver marbles, ten hours of sleeping, nine Star Trek reruns, eight haiku homeworks, seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

On the last day of ANA, her webcam showed to me thirty one orgasms, twelve plastic bearcubs, eleven silver marbles, ten hours of sleeping, nine Star Trek reruns, eight haiku homeworks, seven pizza boxes, six TV diners, five mannequins, four hours of sex, three hot baths, two saline boobs, and a dolls arm stuck in a pussy.

Love and best wishes for the solstice to ANA and everyone else,

previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10

analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20

analog 21
analog 22
analog 23

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.