
Date: Mon, 12 Jan. 1998

hello everyone :) i've been having a GREAT time lately! this week i did some excellent pix(i think). i was feeling highly creative and electric. most of those pics were done late at night. the pix are somewhere between jan 1-8. and most were late at night until the early morning. they consited of running around in a cat woman outfit(lol!), being an android with pink saran wrap on my head, and lots of cool pix done with mirrors. i can't tell u where they all r exactly...most are at bue and mart, i think, and u can link 2 their archives in ANArchives.

MY SINGLE WAS RELEASED today @ u can also think their from, the site where u can hear an audio clip and see me in real video. and that video will also be on the single. it is 2 songs called "hollywood" and "please god". there r only 500 in print and they r only $1.99! get there soon and order one, 'cause they'll be gone quickly(i hope)! :)) then my full length cd called will b available in the spring.

i was on the local news here(ch 9) and that turned out well! it was a one min. clip :)
there was a mention of my cam the minnesota daily, the l.a. times, the new york post, and salon! and someone wrote to me saying they'd written about me for a local paper in hong kong! coooool!!

i'm trying to watch the x files right now, but my reception is terrible and i can't tell WHAT'S going on.

i'll be doing a "screaming piece" on jan. 25th at 7th st entry. yes, all i'm going 2 do is scream :) i'm opening 4 thee fabulous luscious band ousia, u can link 2 their site in my last ANAlog.

yes, my house iz still a mess. that's 4 sure. i wonder when i'll clean it.?

if u were wondering where i was the last few days, i was hanging out with a siam cat who happens 2 b in OUSIA, 2. i am happy 2 announce that he is now my sweet, kind boyfriend :) and you'll b seeing a bit of him on cam from time 2 time, but he's still a bit cam-shy :) i'll probably get teased by him now 4 writing that. hehee. yep, i'm in luv *sigh* oh no! scary and fun! aaaaaa!

it's snowing like mad today. it's bitterly cold. i can't WAIT till someday i can move to L.A. !!

don't forget to come and say hi in dankitti's ana voog bbs. link 2 that in ANArchives.

thank u 2 the people who let me know when articles come out where i'm mentioned. it helps a lot :) and thank u all 4 your sweet email. and YES, i DO read it all :)

i'm getting better at paint shop pro and have been making more anacam i.d.s. i plan on getting better and better, and when i have room on my harddrive, i'm going 2 load in adobe photoshop! i looove doing art on the computer! i just love doing art, period.

i haven't written a new song in quite awhile, but i'm starting 2 feel like writing again. perhaps you'll catch me soon with my 4 track, recording.

oh, and i shaved off my eyebrows, just because. kinda cool looking! perhaps i'll grow them back now...or maybe not.

i've discovered some great music by a band called squarepusher "port rhombus ep" and one by amon tobia "bricolage"
it iz excellent music 2 have sex to :) woo hoo!

ok, i think that's it. now i'm gonna go 1)wash my dishes 2) stare 3) take a bath 4) fall asleep 5) none of thee above

go but my single NOW pleeeeeez!!!!! i'll be anxiously awaiting all day to see what happens! eeeeee!

love and the perfect drug,

previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10

analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20

analog 21
analog 22
analog 23
analog 24
analog 25

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use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
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