analog 42

Date: Sunday, 26 July 1998

hi :) i went to new york last week for a party that yahoo/intel had. i
did a heck of a lot of interviews for magazines and stuff. i met so many
people that i didn't get to have any "real" that was
kind of a bummer.
who interviewed me? i wish i could remember! i do remember that i did
something for electronic musician, vh1, details, and...10 other things.
my label, radioactive was introducing me to these people and i'll have
to email them and find out who i talked to!
oh...and i DID get interviewed for an upcoming episode of "fox files" :)
it's a new programme on fox.
i made some pretty cool pix when i was in new can see some of
them in "arcana". pages 19, 20,21...i think :)
that was when i had the most fun...when i'd return to my hotel and play
with my cam. i missed my boyfriend a lot, even though i was gone only 2 i took an earlier flight home.
then that plane got stuck on the runway because the the steering went
awry, and we had to get towed back to the airport. i turned my cam on in
the plane and left a message of my plight!
thankfully, we got transferred to a new plane, and then funnily enough ,
after all my interviews, a reporter from the new york times approached
me as we transferred planes. she said that she had noticed my shirt
which i had written across it in permanent marker "yes, they're fake" :)
she was going to do a story on the increasing popularity on breast i sat by her on the way home and gave her my story.
we had a great conversation about new mexico and the strange flash
floods, too. and how this one place is so quiet that u can hear the
sound of a bird flapping it's wings overhead , if one passes by above u!
i so much want to experience that kind of silence. i'm getting really
really into the idea of deserts. i've never been to a desert, and i want
to visit them all. i want books about them , photographs of them , arial
photographs especiallty! i was totally taken by the look of the desert
between las vegas and los angeles, so much that it brought tears to my
eyes. i think it's soooooo beautiful!
ok...back to the new york that article ran a few days
ago..then it also ran on the front page of a local paper here! ha!
tres strange. i now have this quote from the new york times to add to my
"  Ms. Voog's breasts are round, high and firm looking. "--the new york

in other boyfriend, jason( a.k.a. siam, js9, ousia)and i have
found an apartment to move in to! we are going to move in august 16th!
super amazingly wonderful!
i am JUST in total happiness over this apartment! soon you too, will get
to see it! :)
i going to be selling the paintings on my walls that i did to help pay
for my moving costs. i haven't decided yet on a price...but u can sure
make me an offer and reserve which one you'd like!
i'll put pix up of them and their prices soon.
also, i'm looking for a nice home for my cat, nova. there is nothing
wrong with her, it's just that i only want the upkeep of my dog,
pooka...and i was thinking about getting him a dog friend...and one cat
and two dogs is too many animals...especially because of where i'm
moving to.also, my boyfriend is slightly allergic to her :(
nova is 6 years old, spayed and declawed. she basically just likes to
sit in laps and purr. she gets along with everyone and she gets along
with dogs, too. she got along great with a great dane and a standard
poodle that she previously lived with.
if you live in the twin cities area and you think you could give nova a
great home, please write me a letter as to why you want her and why you
think you'd be the perfect companion for her. she is free to the best
home i can possibly find.
and btw, if u want my cat as a way to meet me, it will not work! because
if i decide that u should have my cat..i will send out a courier to
meet  you at a neutral location and give her to you then.
if you live out of state and would like my cat and are willing to pay
the price to fly her to you, that could also work! :)
please help me find a fantastic home for the purringest cat, nova!

there are new anapix up and a bunch more new in arcana. arcana is now
arranged in such a way so that the newest pix will be up "in front" now
my label says my single "hollywood" containing 9 remixes...will be
available in mid august...and my album "" in mid september.

also, imusic has offered me a fair price to place a banner on my site,
and i'm very glad to be able to advertise something i!
i know some of you will be upset...but i'm going to use that money to
get a laptop for myself so that anacam can be more mobile. right now the
laptop i've been using isn't mine. i also need to buy some more cams, as
a few of them are burning out and getting gliches in them fro being on
24/7 for almost an entire year now! all my cam equipment needs a serious
rehaul. so think of the banner as a great way for me to bring you more
pictures and with better quality! this cam thing it's quite an expensive
the imusic banner will be up early next week, and it will be on anacam
only, not ana2...

so now i've got some serious packing to do to move! i'm going to try to
get rid of at least 1/2 of everything i own...but we'll see if i can
actually part with that much! i'm going to have to comb through
EVERYTHING...and it's gonna take awhile!

oh! and jason and i are going to be opening for the creatures ( siouxie
sioux's band with john cale, too!) at 1st avenue on monday! jason and i
have an experimental/ambient/noize band called purrotika. it's for the
pure fun of it. :) there will be guest musicians performing with us..
paul horn & fred teasley formerly of ousia, and possibly chuck zwicky :)
if you come don't expect it to sound ANYTHING like my stuff that i do
for radioactive. it's going to be purely improvisational!

i've started taking dance classes too...and i hope to get limber again!
it's a great kick in the butt for me. and it helps me get all the parts
of my mind and body reconnected again and get all my tension out. i'm so
happy with my dance lessons! it's modern dance. 
and i'm going to be taking some vocal lessons too, i'm pretty
dance instructor knows of a great avant garde/opera vocal instructor!
yes! i'm psyched!!!!

it's going to be a new era for i move into my new
apartment...and delve into the avant garde in voice,composing and
dance! i'm looking to get a piano somehow...but i don't know where i'd
put it. but i'm obessionally drawn to getting one. i grew up with always
having a piano i miss it  drastically.
if anyone has a piano for sale at a reasonable price, please write to
me. i'm looking for an upright one.
a grand wouldn't fit into my apartment, i don't think...

i'd also like to take the time to say that my boyfriend is an amazing
composer and web designer/ programmer. he has done music for
soundtracks, computer games, dance troupes...etc...
if you would like to kontact him for his services...go see his page at
there u can get a sample of a little bit of everything he does. he is
currently working on a solo cd! ooo, it's going to be beauty! ( and i'm
NOT just saying that 'cause i love him so!)

some of you may worry "what will happen with the cam" now that i'm
moving in with my boyfriend. well, i'll tell u that even though he will
most likely not show up on it much...he is 100% supportive of me and
what i the cam , of course will continue...
some things might change here and there as we find our "space" within
our apartment..but what this will be , i cannot know right now..
but i think the changes will be subtle.  will also be very inspired just
to be in a new place. right now, in this apartment i have barely any
room to even move around! so the cam will most likely get far more
"interesting" when i move! and i won't be away from it as much..'cause
mostly if i'm's because i'm at his house ( but i have tried, as
much as possible , to bring my cam there when i go there with the help
of my friend,  jp's , laptop :)

oh, btw, i'm still looking for keys...any kind of make this
sculpture that's in my if u have extra keys laying
around...send them to me to the in "anatomy"...if u would b so

ok, i think that's about it for now! and that's a lot!

luv and air conditioners,

previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10
analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20
analog 21
analog 22
analog 23
analog 24
analog 25
analog 26
analog 27
analog 28
analog 29
analog 30
analog 31
analog 32
analog 33
analog 34
analog 35
analog 36
analog 37
analog 38
analog 39
analog 40
analog 41

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.