Date: Tues, 12 May 1998
hey everyone, it's been a lonnnnnnng time since i've written i thought i better do it now while i have a bit of inspiration to do so. the thing is, is that SO much is happening with me right now, that it get's to be too overwhelming a task to figure out a way to type it all out and to correctly convey it. so i give up on that. it's all just happening so much stuff...mostly to do with my music, and then a lot of personal stuff too, that i cannot discuss out of respect for their privacy. so, let's see...where do i begin? ummm, it's super windy here today and i'm putting off doin laundry ( as usual). i have to get laundry done so i can pack. i'm going to fly to las vegas on thursday morning and then i think i have a radio interview that day..i'm not sure ( you can check up on this stuff at my music site ANAVOOG.COM i did not even know i was doing this radio interview until i saw it myself at that page!) then friday i'm playing a cameo at the luxor hotel in a club called club ra(after the egytian sun of my fave gods, btw :) there is a huge 3 day radio convention going on there, george martin is the key speaker! but i do not get to partake in any of the festivities, for i am one of the festivities. i think radioactive ( my label) set my up with a about 3 trillion interviews while i'm there , too. please send me positive energy to be coherent that day! ha! then, the next morning i fly to L.A. to do another show at sin-a-matic. i have never been there. i've never been to any clubs in either nyc or l.a. every time i get to go, there is no time! then, i fly home the next ,morning after that. ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom wam bam thank u mam! so don't make me sad by emailing me all the cool places i could visit when i go to these places. i'm going to have no time to see anything. ...cry :( but it is certain to be a very interesting bizarre as hell experience! i am SO nervous! perhaps i will write secret messages in chalk at the places i go to see if anyone will find them later... i will write a secret message in the guidon's bible at the hotel ( if they have one) :) i cleaned my house for 6 hours straight last night! but you cannot tell! ( getting off the subject...) ok, how was the VIBE show, u ask? well, i'm so tired of telling the story now..that i will have to give you the boring condensed version...sorry...hehee went on vibe. did not make any huge mistakes( like passing out, throwing up, or tripping over anything). sinbad was very nice..he is just as nice as you'd think he'd be. everyone that worked for that show was VERY nice and helpful. of course, i was nervous which is why i turned into a giggling thing during the interview. it wasn't so much that i was nervous during the interview as i was just SO HAPPY that i made it through that song without any mistakes! ( except...i said the word "fuck" by accident...and strangely..the censors did not catch it!) so, anyway, as i floated on up to the couch for the interview , as giddy as can be...i was just rushing with adrenalin and joy that i made it through. :) weirder than being on the show, though, was WATCHING the show later on that night! then it kinda hit me that i was on tv. very WEIRD feeling. my mom wrote down the wrong day and MISSED it. and my dad is on sabbatical staying at a place that has no BOTH my parents missed my tv debut! aaaaaaaa! and they still haven't seen it. i don't have a copy of it yet. the next day i woke up with an ENORMOUS headache. ( partly my period, partly too much champagne!) i took some midrin to get rid of it.. and midrin just turns me into a zombie. and this would be fine if i could just stare...which is my natural state :) but NO! i was going to be interviewed me E! for an hour long special they are doing on "woman of the web". so i had top get ALL my make-up back on and sit very still under these bright lights while trying to be as coherent as possible. my mouth was all dry and my lipstick was too glossy..but i think i made it through. i don't know when that piece will be shown..maybe next month? i got to do one of those E! id :) i had to say "if it's happening in entertainment , it's happening on E!" ( this was an extremely funny thing for me to say, if you are decadent enough to get that little drug joke there) right after that, i had an hour to pack and get on the plane home. i tried SO HARD to capture all that happened in l.a. on my cam!!! and it just DID not work :( i do not have a cell modem yet, so i couldn't really take it with me anywhere, and since it was plugged into the wall at the hotel, and i was never even AT my hotel , ws like "hi, i'm in l.a.! and here is the lamp at my hotel!" then, on vibe...hard to explain...but the settings got all screwy and the pictures turned out all pixilated and blurry, so sorry about that! trial and error.. for this next trip i'm not bringing my cam 'cause i'll just be too busy again..and i'm sure that "vegas lamp cam" will not be as exciting as "ana's pet's couch cam"..for while i'm gone :) i need to bring someone with me who can carry all that cam stuff around and keep it working when i'm too busy to deal with it. plus a cell modem or some such i can carry it with. all that costs BIG MONEY. so it ain't gonna happen this weekend, but i still plan on doing it in the near future. oh, and i had a show , here in minneapolis last thursday. it went pretty well aside from the fact that my ear monitor sytem decided to completely BREAK during the whole show! so i could not hear myself sing AT ALL! IT WAS SCARY! but being the fabulous professional i am (hehee) i made it through in one piece and no one seemed to notice that i was having trouble with anything... ummm....hmmm..what else? so much more! i'm probably forgetting to tell you some interviews i did.. there was a mention about me in the cincinatti enquirer...and the boston globe... oh! i know what i thought was funny...jenni from jennicam got a huge article on her at abc news online...and i can't remember the excact quote...but it was something like "...unlike other "cams" that call themselves performance art...". and i had to if there are SO many cams calling themselves performance art! LOL! they did not mention me by name, but that was the little nod/dig at me..haha :) i'm going to write jenni a letter when i find the time..i always want to word things right, so then i procrastinate on doing that. we seem to be spoken about in the same articles a lot now because we are the two 24/7 life cams. before it was just her(btw, i have SO much respect for her..and am a member of her site)...but now there is also me...and i wonder if this ever irritates her, and i hope not. :( i hope she does not get asked any questions like "so, ana considers her cam performance YOU consider yourself performance art?" cause if she's getting asked that she must be so sick of it. interviewers often say to me " it seems you've taken the idea of jenni cam and taken it to a new level" and this really bugs me. because it's like comparing apples and oranges. i do not like to think of things as "levels" being above another. i hate that whole competive thing and i never want to get into this "jenni vs. ana" argument...which a lot of people try to egg me into. i think of the band's like jenni started a band and then i started a band..and our bands just play different music...not one is better than another or anything...we are just play different music. and how we are getting stuck together a lot in articles is reminding me a lot of when i was in my all female band called the blue up? at one time there waas only one other all female band besides us called the clams. and they ALWAYS booked us together...just because we were both all-female bands ( isn't that cute?). the press and the clubs would just never seperate us, it got to be very annoying. anyway, i think jenni is fabulous and a total inspiration to break down that stupid perfect beauty myth and many more stupid archaic myths. i also love that she shows a alternative healthier ways to eat on her jennishow. :) speaking of food, now i am hungry! and i am eating a brownie...i need to take a few tips from jenni on how to eat better. another incredible cam with is isabella cam "an erotic performance art cam" she is my fave! ( and ANOTHER performance art cam ( i only know of three) is artcam. artcam deals with a lot of gender and transgender issues. ( you can also link to these cams at the nose's homecams( oh! and i now have a toll free # that you can hear ana updates and my music at! ( u.s.a. and canada only) it's 1-888-226-5907 i'll be changing it every day :) and there's lots of new updates at more RA and wav. and aiff files, poster size photos of me, and some of my lyrics and more to come :) if you'd like to join my mailing list go to and where it says subscribe , type: anacam there is a new link added to the anarchives section... it's dakota's ana-mations..go check them out! they are so pretty! on a sad note,my boyfriend siam's incredible ambient band broke up today :( they were called ousia and they were my fave local well as just one of my fave bands in the world. i am so sad they broke up :( R.I.P. ousia... and siam is being interviewed tomorrow by the local paper called city pages. they are interviewing him about the future of electronic music. i'll keep you posted on that...he is an incredibly talented person, i'm so lucky that he is my boyfriend :) he is venus as a boy :) here is the last email from the OUSIA mailing list: Saturday, May 30, 1998 The Final Live Performance of O U S I A Weisman Art Museum - 8:00pm at FUTURE PERFECT V Also performing that evening: PURROTIKA {Featuring ANA VOOG & JASON SHAPIRO} LOST IN TRANSLATION SATOSHI SHINOZAKI DYLAN HICKS SQUELCH ONE CHUCK ZWICKY and DJ's ROB WILLIAMS JAY WIX Stories of American Elders and Interviews from Smithsonian Folkways songwriter/performer: LARRY LONG Visuals by: MAGIC LANTERN LIGHT SHOW and KARL HALVERSON Webmaster: LORREN STAFFORD Curated by: CHRIS STROUTH -------------- After much consideration, OUSIA has decided to hang-up the masks. Please help us celebrate the conclusion of our sonic journey, by attending the show which started it all: FUTURE PERFECT. {Ousia's first performance was at First Avenue during the premiere FUTURE PERFECT on December 3, 1996} Be sure to check out the City Pages on Wednesday, May 27, which will contain an interview with Jason Shapiro on Future Perfect, Electronic Music, and more.. The future of our latest CD "FACE THE ROBOT" is uncertain. Either UltraModern will release it, or we will try to release it on our own. Check the web-page for updates on this: Also, the latest issue of Alternative Press contains a review of "Why Is That A Four?" in the BPM section. This is the last e-mail you will receive from the Ousia Mailing List. If you would like to continue receiving updates regarding JASON SHAPIRO's work with ANA VOOG and others (occasional projects with the MILO FINE FREE JAZZ ENSEMBLE, etc) please respond to this message, and I will keep your name on the list. If not, do nothing, and this will be your final e-mail. To contact me, you can write to PAUL HORN will continue experimenting with sounds in his TRANCEMITRE STUDIOS, and can be contacted at DAVE ONNEN is working with ANA VOOG, SKYE KLAD, and can be contacted at FRED TEASLEY who does not have an e-mail address, will also continue his secret sound experiments, popping up in the most unlikely places. On behalf of Ousia, I would like to thank you for all of your support over the last 1.5 years. Sincerely, Jason S. Shapiro -------- Ousia {ambient/drone/noise/trance} Contact/Mailing List: Home Page: ----------------------------------------------------------- also for the coolest handmade guitar pedals IN THE WORLD EVER!!!!! check them out at these sites sites. if you play cannot go without a fuzz factory!!!! ------------------------------------------- thank you for all the wonderful emails i've received, and all the beautiful snail mail lettrs and gifts..especially around my birthday. thank u to the person who sent me the book on frida kahlo. and thank you to the person who sent me that t-shirt that said "i'm from fucking space" and thank you to the person who sent me the earthworm jim action figure. :) i know i'm forgeting a lot of people...but it's late and i'm not thinking straight...but i did receive and appreciate everything! :) i've decide to discontinue anamart at this time, 'cause i'm too busy to keep up with it...i'll start it up again later... oh, and i get a lot of people asking if they can get my cd in other countries besides the u.s. YES, you can..i'm pretty sure if you go to you can order my cd internationally. it is only available on the net at this time. the wind is still rattling my windows. it's an exceptionally cold night for may. i think i will snuggle under the covers now and watch some trash tv :) shine on, ana
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