
Date: Tue, 17 Feb. 1998

here are even MORE posts i made to the anacam mailing list. if you'd like to subscribe go to and where it sez subscribe write :anacam
be prepared to get A LOT of email if u subscribe.
ANA2 is now accepting members. ANA2 is another site like anacam but has 30 second refresh rate and a twice as big picture. plus there will be a members only bbs, and perhaps a chat, and more surprises to come. :) i am doing that to help me pay for the bandwidth of anacam. please help support anacam by becoming a member, or buying something else(like my music or a t-shirt) in ANAmart :)
ANA2 is only TEN dollars a month. :) and i'm very excited about it! to sign up, click on the link above the cam picture.... are the posts.... :)

i saw the pictures of me that got taken on sunday at the photoshoot. they turned out very nice. i can't wait to see them printed up. if i get any i'll show them on cam.

VPRO tv in the netherlands wants to include me in a documentary they are putting together about modern life. they might come here to film me and stuff around the 20th of febuary! should be very interesting!

i'm verrrrrrry tired again...seeeing that i had a really full day and it's almost 3am. i shall make my nest on the couch and fall into sleepland now :)



ok, i'm going to fall off my chair from tiredness again...sorry :)

ANA2 is available now with 30 second refreshes and a picture twice the size of the one now! it's $10 a month. and it will help to pay for anacam. :) go to my site to sign up :) there will be a bbs, too, that ANA2 members can use :)
plus more later...

yes, i LOVE the tv show The Prisoner! it is my FAVE! i can't decide on a fave episode.

i did an interview with Goldmine magazine today. i found out that laurie anderson and andy kaufmann were great friends. i did not know that!


oh, wow! lots of interesting messages to the list! :) and i want to say so many things, but i'm a bit hung-over at the moment from too much champagne on valentine's day :))) so , i think i better take a bunch of vitamins, then take a nap...
and after i wake up, i'll take on the task of tackling all those issues raised.
especially sarah's posts are fabulous (of, course! would i expect anything less from thee delightful raging sarah? hehee:) xoxo)

btw, of course u may discuss religion and politics on here, since anacam seems to bring up some of those issues...since anacam is life. as long as everyone remains civil about it and no name calling, etc.

i'm glad to see such a diverse group on here from christians to wiccans to "whatever u wanna call yourself" :)

if u want to get yourself into more political/religious debate, just go to dankitti's ana bbs. it's getting a little ridiculous over there and someone needs to set a few of those people "straight" lol. sometimes from tyhe posts over there, i cannot figure out WHY those people even watch me! haha!

ana2 is getting some subscribers, so i'm happy about that :) about 40-something people have subscribed so far. there is a lot of griping about anacam "going pay" on the peeping moes bbs. but anacam is FREE and is a seperate site from ana2. i'm just trying to find a way to make $$ to keep anacam going! :)

i think maybe my fave prisoner episode is the one where they inject those drugs in him then insert those films in his brain of that party to see who it is he possiblr "defected" too. i can't remember the name of that episode. but i love it. it's just too bad that even my fave show, the prisoner, was rather mysogynist saying "women can never be trusted, even of the four-legged variety".

ok, i must take a nap...then i'll tell u all about valentine's day and a bunch more stuff. and x-files is on tonight! woo-hoo! (and the simpsons and king of the hill) oh, speaking of...did u see the last simpson's where they had the tribute to the prisoner? marge getting chased by rover!

sorry anacam has been crashing so much lately. there have been all thse broken cables in various phone companies , or the signal gets routed across the country.
but ana2 , which is on a different server, has not crashed much at all, thank god! <whew>

and yes, i'm seeing some of those blank messages to the list. if u want to unsubscribe, go to where u subscribed and follow the directions.
and sarah, i never did move to california yet :( but i still plan on it.

what did everyone do for valentine's ? anything? or all of you a bunch of cynics who hate valentine's day? LOL

glad to hear about the new tori cd coming out soon! i can't WAIT!!!!

it's a really grey day here. oooo, when i wake up i'm going to have a bubble bath is what i'm going to do! ya!



why is it illegal to chew gum in singapore?


wow, i'm trying to get myself into a morning schedule again, so i'll be more in sync with siam. we are never awake at the same times and it makes it difficult.
so if i look really tired on cam, i am!!!
it's super grey here today.
also, just think of me as another subscriber to this list because sometimes i'm just not going to post if i have nothing to say. i don't think i should be obligated to write a certain amount of words to this list per day. i mean, sometimes i just have nothing to say, or i'm incredibly busy, tired, or involved with something else. i am reading everything though...except for the stuff about clinton that i got in my mailbox today. i just have nothing to say on that subject. i just don't care. i think it's boring and there are more pressing issues to be dealt with.
but if that's what u want to talk about for awhile, that is fine with me. i think it's great when people discuss things they are interested in. i think the only interesting subject it brings up, for me, is..what does the president's sex life have to do with how good or bad a president he will be? i don't see how the two have much to do with each other. i just hate politics. but continue on if u like.

it doesn't really matter how off the "subject" people get in here, as i feel i am about many subjects, and also, it's just nice to discuss, yes?

as far as social structure goes....i really don't give a shit about social structure...i think we need to redefine. at least i'm redefining MYSELF. so that's what counts for me.
i don't think that one SILLY song i wrote is going to bring down social structure or indoor plumbing...but if it did...i'd be GREATLY amused :))

i don't want to put a time stamp on my cam picture, 'cause i just think it looks ugly...sorry :(
i'm really going to get back to doing "interesting" things on cam soon...everything goes in waves, y'know sometimes life gets you all involved in something else or sometimes...y'know. but i do feel bad i've been pretty boring lately. but i guess that's life. and that's anacam.
you take the bad with the good.

oh wow...i'm sooooooo hungry. i think i will order another pizza.
because today and tomorrow i must have NRG to clean my house. and i REALLY have to now. because on saturday, NO LIE, i have a dutch film crew of FOUR coming here to film me for 2 or three days!!!! now TALK ABOUT SURREAL! and it happened SO FAST! it is VRPO tv in the netherlands. they are doing a documentary on "modern life". so it's me, tamigochi(LOL), and some guy who sez the internet is bad for kids, and some guy who sez it's not bad for kids. and that's about the extent of it i understand.
i hope i will learn some dutch! i just can't get over that this film crew is coming here. perhaps we will go out on the town! dahhhhling...i never leave the house without my dutch film crew! hahahhahahahah!!! oh my god, my life is beyond weird. but in the best way! :)

now i'm on the phone ordering a pizza. i'm on hold. this is an ana update 11:28am.
what? i'm up in the morning??? AAAaaah! has the world gone MAD? :)

i have so much email in my little hotmail account to reply to that it's getting a bit overwhelming for me now. like i want to reply to cam-o-rama but my brain hurts from too much thinking already. yikes.

i'm supposed to make another video. like the one that was on the single, and i'm supposed to make it this week, but i don't know where i'm going to find the time. i have over ten loads of laundry to do, i kid u not.

ok, i ordered a large green olive pizza, with 6 pepsis. i hate pepsi, but that's the only thing they have. i reeeeally dislike pepsi. u know i'm a coke person.

god, i think a terrible picture of me yawning went over the net. you know the thing that is scary about ana2,is that wayyy more ugly pix of go out...cause they happen so fast! aaa! like if u r eating pizza...bad pictures of me chewing are so hard to stop. i think i will have to start the "worst of ana" archive.

man, this morning thing, getting adjusted thing, is brutal.but pleeez, do not start writing to the list on how to adjust. i already know about all that..sunlight and stuff. yep. but it's a super grey day.

ok, i could probably spout on for a few more pages about esthetics(sp?) because i'm thinking about that right now. like how what others think is pretty others think is ugly. because no one is ever satisfied with how my cam looks. it is too purple, green, pink, negative, positive, black and white, washed out, dark, blurry, sleepy, awake, non-smiley or bright. but there u have it. i love my cam :) i really do :) and i have MUCH fun with it :) and i'm going to uck with the filters as much as i want to. cause i like to. and that's what life is about. having fun.
are you having fun?



thank u , howard, 4 your beautiful letter of support :) i really need it and it feels good to receive such a kind letter :) but remember, you are free , too. to think you are not is just an illusion....



has everyone noticed all the arguments lately? i mean reallt irrational ones and really nit-picky ones done to provoke? and everywhere this is happening. on BBS, on lists, with roomates, with couples, on IRC, in the world, etc etc. i say what this is is a new energu coming to earth or being born on earth right now. 'A SHIFT' or whatever u want to call it. it is like a big earthquake readjusting all the energy in the world and within our own minds, emotions, and bodies. some of us are having a hard time adjusting so we are becoming more volotile than usual and maybe some of us are trying to suppress this new energy by eating more junk food than usual or doing more drugs to just mellow out, or eating more sugar to stay happier. but what i think this is is a major shift/adjustment to the 'energy planes' and everyone just needs to reground, recenter, and take a deep breath and lay lo and go within and just harmize with the new energies in your own way. it is the old skin being shaken off for a new skin, and it is uncomfortable for some. some will even act violently towards it, resisting it, not knowing why. be kind and tolerant to the people who are having trouble adjusting. don't try to help them adjust or set them straight. things are not really clear right now. it is like static or snow. go within and recenter, find your love and your joy to help you through this process...then you can assist the others in putting on their oxygen masks :) for those about to flame me for being a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo...peace.
i am the new age frooty grrly-grrl. :)

laying lo,

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