Date: Sun, 22 March 1998
2 posts from me to the ANACAM mailing list: yes, of COURSE i read this list. it's my list :) i don't think JUST because i'd rather you not discuss clinton or iraq that means i'm a horrible person about censorship. there are PLENTY of things to talk about besides those two things. i let that conversation go on for a long long time and only about 5 people were discussing it. i let in run it's course for a few weeks, then i just said...let's not discuss that anymore. i think it's reasonable. we can get WAY off "the topic" on something else. so i have deleted 2 things to discuss,get over it, i didn't say the list discussion had to get FLUFFY because i did that. heck, there are PLENTY of other BIG things to discuss. it just seemed to me that it had become an iraqi war list, 70 people unsubbed, and it was time to move on... everything goes in cycles, so we talked about fluffy things for a week then, because we were at a loss for things to say then. we didn't know what direction to take. well, this is NORMAL. that is LIFE. just like my cam is boring sometimes (because things are happening to me INWARDLY that you cannot see). but the conversation will pick up again, have PATIENCE. this is not INSTA-CONVERSATION. this is not INSTA-INFOTAINMENT. just chill out and go with the flow, maaaaaaaan :) uncomfortable with silences or awkward pauses? welcome to LIFE. we all don't have to be witty, clever, humourous, brilliant conversationalists blowing the lid off of every untruth 24/7. y'know if something comes up somewhere where someone has something to say, then it will eventually be said. and then you can reply or not reply as the spirit moves ya, mon. and from there who knows...a big flurry of discourse or maybe it'll pitter out into the ether. life. just cause i happen to post to this list a lot, then not a lot, doesn't mean i'm not involved in things. did u read the analog before the one that's up now? did you read what is going on with me? hello? like i'm being threatened and stalked by an x-boyfriend FOR ONE. just because i may not post to this list for days, maybe even someday WEEKS, does not mean i'm not here rading it. can't i lurk ,too? i mean sometimes, god forbid , i just don't have anything to say! or sometimes i have things to say but not the energy to type. or sometimes i have things to say, but i don't want to tell YOU. i have a life like everyone else on this list. i'll post when i FEEL like it :) ok? and really, if we want to talk about WAR, then WHY_oh_WHY can we not even get along on a little mailing list??? why do we think we can call each other names and get really hostile and attack each other like spoiled little children who learned no manners? is it because we have masks here? and i do not care who is going by their "real name" here or not...that is just silly. anyone can make up a "real name" and what's a name anyway? if you want to discuss war, i suggest we discuss WHY it is that we cannot get along on this list in a civil manner sometimes. and why this is a continuing theme throughout the net. peace starts INSIDE, and peace starts with little things like you HOME, mailing lists, bbs, your friends, your immediate surroundings. ask are YOU, personally, CREATING PEACE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW? and richard, why don't you just sit back and watch my life unfold on the cam or NOT. maybe go back and visit the archives, read my analogs, read "anatomy" on my page. RESEARCH AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT before you open up your mouth to type. you blast in here interrogating before even saying hello. it would be nice if you AT LEAST said HI first, like "real life". sheesh. we live in such a world that everybody wants things INSTANT and PREDIGESTED. well, this list isn't that, my cam isn't that, cause i'm not that. and YOU"RE not that. so let's all remember that LIFE is not instant and predigested. let's all have some TOLERANCE for the awkward pauses in life. because complaining about them or forcing them to go away is just NOT going to work. you KNOW that. things are in cycles. so everyone just take a deep breath now and CREATE PEACE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW, if you want to. and you don't have to type about it to do it :) where would the music be without the pauses between the notes? how could there be dancing without the pauses between the motions? how could we breathe if we were constantly filled with air? exhale to inhale again.. etc etc, ana -------------------------- i NEVER said ANYWHERE at ANY TIME that this cam as about furthering my musical career. it's NOT. the cam and my musical career are TWO separate things( in my mind). of course in the minds of others they are is natural that they would. but i did not start this cam as a promotion for my music. this cam is a separate experimental venture. if i did not do music, i would STILL have this cam. in fact, i actually care much more about my cam than my record deal. because this cam is MINE and nobody makes the decisions except me. i am in total control of what i will do with it...whereas in my musical career i am somewhat owned. i still don't have to do anything in music i don't WANT to(and i don't)...but these things( musical things, cd cover things), if others(radioactive) that OWN what i do, do not like it...they will censor it. but my cam is pure freedom. if anything, i think this cam could be a detriment to my musical career, just because people seem not to take a sometimes naked , blonde, fake-titted camgrrl very serious when it comes to artistic "whateverness". sure, i might sell a few more cds in the long run because of this cam, but i'll bet i DON"T sell a bunch of cds to others BECAUSE of my cam because they will judge me BEFORE my music is heard. it's a pretty risky thing to be seen by some as a frivolous net porn star or something BEFORE my music is heard. if i really wanted to use the cam to sell my music....i think i'd take a VERY different less radical approach so that i would appeal to "the masses". i don't think i'm winning any brownie points for being seen as a serious musician/songwriter just because i have a cam. but , hopefully i am wrong. i do what i do because it feels right. i am about shattering icons, for one. you see me as you want to see think perhaps i should behave in a certain way because i look a certain way, perhaps ( i'm speaking about the judgemental ones now) but as i become the icon ( the big breasted bleach blonde cute camgrrl) and then do things that that icon isn't SUPPOSED to do ( write music, be serious, have a soul...etc..whatever) i can SHATTER the icon and make way for a new way of thinking. maybe i'm full of shit, and i'm not doing this at all. but it feels like i am. i could be living in delusion. i could be going about this all the wrong way. i don't know..i've never done this before, it's all new to me. so maybe in ten years i'll look back at this experiment and call it ridiculous. but right feels right...i feel like i AM doing something...even if it's just sitting there and being boring and sleeping a lot. because i feel i want to accurately represent A LIFE as best i can. and perhaps when people see me sleep, IF NOTHING ELSE, they will not feel so guilty about sleeping themselves! this culture is RADICALLY OPPOSED to sleeping. we seem to be a culture that if we can't SEE it , it does not exist. we must all be PRODUCTIVE. and PRODUCTIVE seems to mean that we better be SEEN making a physical product, or else our lives are worthless and meaningless. i am of the belief, of the KNOWING, that my dreams are just as real as any physical thing HERE. i get A LOT done in my dream-state which is just as VALID as going to "WORK" and making a "PRODUCT". when you see my sit and stare...i am THINKING. which is the first necessary step to if thinking were not doing enough. in fact, i think i think too much! so i hope to slowly learn to UNTHINK. i don't even know how to meditate. i THINK that , in this society, what we place valu on and what we SEE as productive, as VERY ASKEW. i think we need to UNLEARN, sit down, and SLEEP some. and remember why we are truly HERE...which i think is to have FUN and nothing more. i think the physical world is here for our DELITE and our JOY and so much in our hustle and bustle to DO something PRODUCTIVE we most often miss LIFE itself. each breath, each taste, each texture, etc. in this life, right now at least, i am reevaluating, redefining, and deconstructing myself to unlearn to remember the CORE. which i think is LOVE , and sometimes i KNOW is love. and sometimes i don't feel that way at all, and i feel lost and depressed. but i do have a high level of guilt about sleeping, or even having an abnormal schedule that does not match the "true working majority".i cannot "prove" to any of you that i am doing ANYTHING. if i take a picture of me sleeping, i cannot even prove to you that i'm really sleeping. but if i feel i need to sleep, then i at least have enough wisdom in me to know that it would be wise for me to sleep...and i do not let the guilt stop me from what my body says is right and good.i am letting bodily intuition guide me in matters of my body. and this is rather difficult sometimes when i feel "the whole world" is watching and saying "oh, she is sleeping again and not being a PRODUCTIVE member of society. i DO NOT have the luxury of she "shouldn't" either. she should TOUGHEN UP and join the REAL world" or whatever i THINK "they" say. if NOTHING else comes from my cam, i hope i can SOMEHOW , i don't know how, let SLEEP , once again, be a valued productive "thing". lol :) well, i don't know if that made a bit of sense to anyone here, and i've probably gone off on another tangent and rambled quite a bit. EVERYTHING starts with the imagination. another "moody" artist, ana --------------------------------- please help to support anacam by becoming a member of ana2 :) click on the link above the cam picture for details :) think of ana2 as a perk u get by donating 10 dollars to keep anacam alive and running... like PBS! :) i'm also looking into getting ultravid!!! woo hoo! :))) that might be up very soon for ana2 members! :))) i'm EXCITED !! for those of u who do not know what ultravid is, it is streaming video with sound! i LOVE technology!!! check out arcana for my fave pix from ana2 and anacam... ana voog newsgroup: anacam mailing list: ....subscribe:anacam p.s. it has been brought to my attention by my friend FreePop, that there are hardly any pictures of kissing on the net! go figure! ??? what does this say about our society? i'm not talking about "lesbians kissing" on porn sites. i'm talking about real kissing. if anyone has photos of real kissing...please send them ( or the URL's of where they are) to: he is going to start a kissing we can put an end to the kissing famine of the net! :) do you know of any picture from any of the cam archives of people kissing? do u think this lack of kissing reflects the real world? x, ana
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