
Date: Tues, 2 June 1998

just a quick short analog to let ya know i've been  so dang busy
rehearsing and stuff for many shows i've been playing. in two days i'm
leaving for the east coast. go to for updates on where i'm
also, check my voice mail for messages and songs: 1-888-226-5907
it's a free call for the usa and canada

i was in some more papers...usa today..newsweek! and some other papers
from boston and philly
did a tv show for the toronto "chronicle" and also "hardcopy" !!!!
woa. talk about overstimulation..
i'll let ya know when these air.

the url's to the online versions of the paper articles are mostly at
dankitti's bbs, link to there from the anarchives

i think i'm going to be able to take my cam with me on the road for
these east coast dates. jp is lending me his laptop. if the picture
looks blurry, too dark or too's not my's the cam (
intel) that plugs into the laptop. it's the best i can do for now until
i find a better cam that plugs into a laptop!

if u want to join my mailing list go to
and subscribe :anacam

dakota and freepop made some cool to their pages in

i have a newsgroup, too:
u can also get there by going to

it's super windy here right now. lots of storms and lightning, too.
i'm kind of liking fits in with my nervousness

my kit kat clock is making a skreeking noise. i'm going to try to go to
bed now.. 3am

tomorrow i have to practice, bleach my hair, do laundry, pack, and clean
a bit...then i leave the next morning at 7am for philly
i'm doing a tv show there called "philly after dark" i think that's the
name of it!

let's see...what else...i dunno...i just am really nervous and i need to sorry for the boring analog...but i had to write a new
one..that last one was getting rather old.

i'll write a better one when i get back and tell u how my shows went!

and please help support anacam by becoming a member of ana2! 3o second
refreshes and a private bbs and more to come! it helps me to pay for my
bandwidth and fix my ailing computers and get a laptop of my own , so i
can travel with my cam where ever i go!

and don't forget u can order my cd "" worldwide at :)

there are a lot more things at the, too
poster size pix of me, hear my music, see a video of me on vibe and also
a video i made! lots more pictures, info on my shows and much more to
email the webmaster of that page ( not me) for questions about that

i took down analyst and ana mart 'cause i didn't have time to deal with
it...but i think i'll put analyst up with a new'll be the
place i put all my reviews...i'll do that soon..

there are some new anapix up! i hope u like the bigger pix on anacam for
making better anapix :) i think the bigger pic is better...that small
one was starting to bug me!

ookokokokokokokokok, i must go wash my face and brush my teeth and get
into bed (couch). 

oh...a ton new pix in arcana! 
a whole bunch of them from my shows in l.a. and vegas :)

g'nite and goodmorning and good afternoon...depending on where u r in
the world...

love and a softer pillow,

previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10
analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20
analog 21
analog 22
analog 23
analog 24
analog 25
analog 26
analog 27
analog 28
analog 29
analog 30
analog 31
analog 32
analog 33
analog 34
analog 35
analog 36
analog 37

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.