analog 44

 Date: Monday, September 14 1998

well, it's about time i write a new analog, eh? but i always end up  saying that in the beginning of these things ! i have been incredibly  preoccupied with moving , unpacking( ok, i haven't unpacked THAT much..i  need some shelves! we looked at shelves today , but couldn't find any we  liked), working on a little mini-film, and a trillion other  things...thinking a lot about usual..i'll get to all that. 1st...remixes of my song "hollywood" were released last week. u can buy  it pretty much anywhere, i think...or get it online( like at imusic!  hehe :)anyway, even if u don't buy it online, u should come say hi to me  at the bbs they have for me there! on the 22nd, after a two year wait, my full cd will finally be released  to stores. thank god! on the 24th, i'm going to have a cd release party  at 7th st. entry. opening up for me will be my incredible boyfriend and  a TON of his talented friends playing ambient music. it will be very low  key with candles, incense, and tables to be leisurely at :) my boyfriend  is now going under the name "fetik3" the "3" is actually that small  three that means "cubed". he has many new songs on his website: you can also hear there a great remix of hollywood that he did with his  friend rob that is unavailable anywhere else! he and i are also going to be playing an improvised ambient set at the  walker art museum on october 18th. when we do that, we call ourselves  "purrotika" and fetik3 has a TON of shows he is playing..i cannot keep track! go to  his website to see where he is playing. if u live in this town u won't  want to miss them ! after i play my show at the entry...m goal is to do live shows online  for everyone. i am very excited at the possibilities! like, for  instance, does anyone have any ideas on how to make it more interactive?  i was thinking of triggering a speech synthesizer via a chat programme  that u can all go to...then u could hear what u typed incorporated into  my show.( i did that at the walker art center last year, and it worked  very well) also...i wish there were little downloadable musical  instruments of some sort, so u could all play along with me on them!  anyone know of such a thing? ok, now...about the mini-film i was making. it is for radioactive to use  as a promotional piece. i had this great idea of what i wanted...but had  to abort that idea 3/4ths of the way into the day i was shooting it.  what i WANTED was that i was going to be covered in clear liquid  latex...then but a shine on it i looked like a big shiny rubber  doll-thing. that is why i shaved my head...i wanted to be completely  covered in clear shiny liquid latex. so i had to shave off ALL my  hair..yes, i mean ALL of it...from my fingers to my toes. no, it was NOT  fun. i also got these grossly long acrylic fingernails put on...i looked  like nosferatu a bit! and we had blown up HUNDREDS of tiny clear  balloons and attached them to the walls in my old apt ( i'm still paying  rent there...i had to give two months notice..grrr.). the idea was that i would look like a shiny doll android creature  wriggling about in these clear balloons that looked like fish eggs. ( and i still have these acrylic nails...though i cut then down..VERY  hard to type this with long nails..which is part of the reason i haven't  been in IRC much ...too hard to type with these nails!) anyway... the idea turned into a VERY BAD THING! the latex looked SO cool for  about an hour ( for those of u with ...maybe u saw it) THEN, it started turning WRINKLY and started peeling, and i ended up  looking like a 200 year old zombie from a cheap horror film! NOT my  intent! LOL! i thought i'd just take the latex off and reapply a new coat...but to my  GREAT distress...this was EXTREMELY painful!!!!!!!!!!! i was FREAKING  out! i was hyperventilating and nearly in tears as 3 people ripped this  crap off my body. imagine the stickiest bandaid on the most sensitive  part of your body...then imagine that ALL over your entire body x 10.  AUGH. i will never forget that nor repeat that! so i came up with a new idea on the fly..and that's that. when i get a  copy of it , i'll put it up in a quicktime movie. it's not what i had  intended, but it's a cute little film, nonetheless. so that whole ordeal took up quite a few days, then another day i went  into the studio and jason/fetik3 helped me with putting together more  tracks and stuff for my show. all of this, and adjusting to my new home...has just made me want to  watch cable tv. oh cable tv...let me sing thy praises :) let my mind be hypnotised away from all the stress! oh, and i ALMOST got to go to the MTV video music awards..but  nooooooooooo....oh well, i saw it on tv...and it was just ok. ok, i'm  just a sucker for those awards shows...although i hate competition...i  just love to see what everyone is wearing. :) and were madonna's arms  muscular or WHAT??? holy cow! i think i'll take up yoga one of these  years! actually, i did take yoga once and had this really sadistic  i quit. i'm looking into tai chi. i still haven't figured how to get all the angles i want out of this  house. i think i'll have to build some contraptions so i can get a cam  very high up. and also over the bed. i haven't figured out how i'll do  it yet. i love those aerial shots.  and it really has been technical difficulty month ! i have two cams up  and running now, finally ( and a third on ...a feature of the  mystery button..:) i really need a new computer...but don't have a grand  to plunk down on one right until then, anacam is running off of  a quickclip videocard thing. when i get a new computer,anacam pix will  return to their colourful glory. my computer is totally pieced together  with the weirdest things right now...  we still have only two phone lines...we are getting dsl lines installed  october i still have to wait a month..but at least they are on  their way after the long phone strike that happened here. so right now my phone line has anacam running on it all the i  cannot make any phone calls on my line...nor get on my other computer  that i always used for surfing and talking in IRC. so when jason/fetik3 gets off his computer...then i can use his phone  line to call people once in awhile. and when we get the dsl lines, we  are going to do streaming vid for ...and also a radio show for   :) i'm going to be trying out lots of stuff! i'm very excited to get  this all happening! and i need to get some longer cords for my cams so that it can reach all  the way down the hallway, and into the bathroom that has the  bathtub...then anacam can have bubblebaths again! yay!! :) so much equipment i need. so many more cams to buy! aaaa!!!! i hate  waiting! i want it now! i've added two new anarchive things..."flower's voog visuals" and  "will's ana church and bbs" ..go post..pray...etc.. :) will has even included my astrology chart on there! hehe :) oh, and actually, i'm rather enjoying my bald head! last time i did  that, it made me depressed. i felt so unfeminine, and i wasn't in the  mood for that then. but this time i'm enjoying it and i think i look  kinda THX1138 :) i think i'll go out and buy a bunch of jumpsuits and  janitor suits and be really "butch" and stuff. LOL! :) then after awhile, i'll probably retaliate from it and start wearing  many frilly dresses ( like 12 at a time) oh, and if u hate my new bald look...just send me a wig to the p.o. box that is listed in anatomy...and i PROMISE i WILL wear it on cam! what kind of wig would u like to see me in? if i get enough wigs...i'll even make a special page with all the  different pix of me in them! :) how's THAT fer interactive? haha ! let's see...hmmmm.what else? i'm looking for a scanner to scan my whole  body! then i'll put it on my page like a puzzle for u to put together  and print out. and...someone offered to make a "virtual ana" i just have to get my  picture taken in the same position about 18 times. i have to find time  to do that'cause that sounds SO COOL! i still want to make an online pape doll of those japanese ones  that there's a link to in my anarchives. and....i want to add games to my page somehow...even if it's just a  crossword puzzle...any ideas??? and when i get things a bit more organized around here..i hope to make  some room to make "sets" for taking cool cam pix( like isa does! check  out!!!go there NOW!!!) these are SOME of my ideas for the future...but be patient ! i think i need to veg out and watch some more cable a bit...i'm still  not recovered from moving and having latex ripped off my body.... i have all the windows open now...soon it'll be i will  luxuriate in openwindowness. the trees are starting to turn colour here.  i really love fall...but winter...nooooooo :( btw, this apartment is a lot colder than the other one i had. so that's  why u don't see me with my clothes off as has NOTHING to do  with that i moved in with my boyfriend! how absurd! do u think i'd go  out with someone who does not support what i love to do? ha! in my last apartment, it was SO hot that i had to open all the windows  even when it was 30 below! that place was a VERY VERY hot old place..way  up on the top floor. i'll show u a picture of the outside of it AFTER i've totally left  there...i still have a bit of stuff over there. god, moving sucks. so, i expect this winter will be more clothed than last winter. sorry,  but that's just the logistics of body temperature and buildings. so i'm just warning ya...if your watching me only for the nudity...u  might want to exit as winter approaches! BE GONE 'LIL DOGGY! but for those in it for...just the pure surreal fun of it...well  then...this winter is gonna be FUN! yessirree :) let me repeat: MY BOYFRIEND HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE AMOUNT  OF CLOTHING I WEAR OR DO NOT WEAR EVER! it's 1998 and women can vote now! did'ja hear?? hahahahaha!!! ya, it's called FREEDOM! wanna try some? :) oh and lemme i've gotten lately...ummm.. playboy! dutch playboy even! ( ok, it was just a blurb..but hey :) a magazine called TOMORROW from germany.. DETOUR magazine...oh...and an italian magazine i forgot the name of  it..if u stick it in the altavista babelfish translator it is highly  amusing! ya, i should make a page that has all the press i've gotten , just fer  the heck of it..being that i'm an obsessed documentarian! ohhhh i neeeeed more time! ah..but time is but an illusion and all that...i just can't seem to get  the hang of it... speaking of loftier topics... WHAT DOES "GRACE" MEAN TO YOU??? that is the question of the month! and..due to a rotten accident...all of arcana and past anapix were  erased off of our server!!! like i don't have enough to do? well, i will TRY to slowly rebuild it...they are all on my harddrive...i  just have to FIND them all..sort through it...put it on floppies and  hand it to jason/fetik3 who will do the manly task of putting them ON  the site. yes...i WILL learn HTML...ummm...SOON? oh GOD! and i want to redesign my site!!!! SOON! i think i'm going to  draw it...then scan it...when i get a scanner... but anacam might get REALLY minimalistic for awhile..i have a very  simple idea in my head. i'm kinda sick of having two options ( graphics  or no graphics)..i just want ONE option...then it's much simpler to  upload all the things to just ONE place. so the tv image on the graphics page might go soon...that ok with u? and...i think that's about it..if i think of anything else...i'll add a  p.s. don't forget to send me wigs! luv and trying to simplify ( ya right!), ana p.s image theft has temporarily put a hold on anapix. in order to stop the hundreds of sites that were hitting the anacam picture every 30 seconds by creating their own 'anacam' pages (which was putting the bandwidth costs of anacam into ridiculous numbers) i had to set up the page so as that they would receive an image theft warning picture rather than the cam picture. the unfortunate consequence of this is that you will not be able to save pictures from anacam at this time. i'm trying to figure out a way that will stop the image theft, yet let you save the images that you want. but until that time you can blame these evil sites for having it come to this :( members will be able to save the images during this time, so the anapix will be updated, however not as often. i've received 3 e-mails from people stating that they are going to the anacam page, but are still getting the image theft picture. i'm looking into that as well, and will let people know what solutions are available as soon as i find them. p.p.s. If you live in the twin cities they are showing my new mini-film, hello i'm ana voog, and some other things of mine on cable access (channel 6 for a lot of people) 9/20 - 10pm 9/21 - 11:30pm 9/22 - 1:30am & 10:30pm 9/23 - 2am & 9pm 9/24 - 12:30am & 11:30pm 9/25 - midnight & 6pm 9/27 - 12:30am & 10pm 9/28 - 10pm 9/29 - 10pm 9/30 - 10pm 10/1 - 10pm

previous analogs:

analog 1
analog 2
analog 3
analog 4
analog 5
analog 6
analog 7
analog 8
analog 9
analog 10
analog 11
analog 12
analog 13
analog 14
analog 15
analog 16
analog 17
analog 18
analog 19
analog 20
analog 21
analog 22
analog 23
analog 24
analog 25
analog 26
analog 27
analog 28
analog 29
analog 30
analog 31
analog 32
analog 33
analog 34
analog 35
analog 36
analog 37
analog 38
analog 39
analog 40
analog 41
analog 42
analog 43

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.