analog 43
Date: Tuesday, 25 August 1998
hello everyone :) I"M STRESSSSSSSED!!!!!!!!!!!! MOVING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRGH@@@@@@@ i never want to move again. is it that the older u get the more moving is stressful? or is it that i just own TOO MUCH STUFF!!!!? i think it's that i own too much stuff. too much really really cool stuff! cool stuff indeed! but i left a lot of it in my hall for my neighbours to have. i had no yard to have a sale. and i SWeAR i'm going to get rid of MORE...'cause if i move again...i'm gonna be ZEN baby ZEN. DETACH-O-RAMA i still have to get back to my old apartment and gather a few odds and ends and SWEEP that sucker out. i will not miss it ( except for the tub...i will DEARLY miss the gigantic tub! the new one in here is super shallow ) this new apartment is GREAT! the view is incredible...if i was assured that none of u would stalk me i'd show u many things out there :) i think , at some point, i'll get a telescope to spy on my neighbours! that will be my first voyeuristic thing. so far i've been the watched, not the watcher... i'm sorry anacam has been so boring...but i did not know that moving would stress me out this much. plus there are lots of other biz stuff, trying to put together a film on a cheap budget...pull together a live show again for a record release party ( single release is sept release on sept 22) plus getting together a ton of new stuff for ana2...checking out new computers, new cams, for streaming vid and more... but right now i'm trying to just keep my cams connected up...i've got a broken video card and a few bum cords.. things must've gotten screwed while moving... so it's back and forth to the shope to fix stuff. plus, i need 5 phone lines, but only have two right now because the phone company went on strike the day i moved in! EEEK! so i've been running cams, making phone calls, staying on the net to check up on things, and doing business for two people on on two can get hectic... so i haven't been able to be online as much to check up on stuff. but my boyfriend, js9, just ordered a soon it'll be better...and we'll get some dsl lines put in. i love living with my boyfriend :)))) and that's all i'll say about that for now :))) pooka is adjusting well to his new home. he loves the xtra space to run :) and nova went to live with a very kind family. and YES i gave her to them in person ( for those of you who wrote me unkind emails...fuck u for you're lack of understanding and insight into my situation...i had it all thought out and u didn't have ALL the info on my life u judgemental snobs! ha!) yes, i met with the family and she is being treated VERY well in here new home with many other cats! :) i'm very excited and motivated to do a whole bunch of new cam stuff in here..the lighting is fantastic and so much space :) as soon as i calm down and get my billions of boxes unpacked things will be pretty darn cool :) js9 and i are even thinking about putting on a radio show for ana2 and a bunch more stuff like that...i'm going to b expanding a lot !! oh my, i just ate a ton of pizza and now i can type no more....*sigh* a shortlived burst of energy this analog was.... :) ana p.s. Anapix will be up next week... there are lots of submissions and we'll have them all up asap!!!
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