these are the articles that i have saved about me that i've found online. i have a HUNDREDS more articles that were not online that i'll type in here as i find the time.i like the double meaning of "analyze" (ana-lies), because there are a lot of untruths in these articles. maybe someday i'll add my own "corrections" to them at the bottom so you'll know what is information and what is disinformation!
The Minnesota Daily January 1998
The St. Paul Pioneer Press January 1998
NRC Handelsblad January 23rd, 1998
Rocktropolis Allstar January 27th, 1998
The New York Post January 29th, 1998
The Philidelphia Inquirer March 1998
Der Speigel ( german)March 1998
Der Speigel ( english translation) March 1998
Elektrolounge April 26th, 1998
N2K Press Release April 30th, 1998
The Star and Tribune April 17th, 1998
Rocktropolis Allstar April 29th, 1998
The Boston Globe May 4th, 1998
The Cincinnatti Inquirer May 10th, 1998
The New York Post May 28th, 1998
Ottowa Citizen Online June 10th, 1998
Charleston City Paper July 1998
(from a german radio station, i forgot the name!) July 1998
The New York Times July 21st, 1998
The Globe and Mail August 1st, 1998
(part of an interview..i'll look for the rest!) September 1998