April 26th ,1998

(translated badly from german)

If the whole world watches Ever more humans install in their dwellings cameras and leave everyone at their everyday life sharings. Ana grants uninhibited views of its life: The fascination of observing and observing becoming is obviously large. Ana lives in a small, large world. The small is in the American Minneapolis and is only few square meters large. In the shelves member dolls, book batches are located lie about everywhere, and on the soil a whisk, several Antik dolls are and to a few weintrauben from glass. Ana is apparent a little chaotic. Still one year ago except its friends nobody would have seen the disorder to get. At that time she was unemployed person a musician named Rachel Olson. When it surfte in the summer 1997 again once by Internet, it discovered the attractive Jenni, which as first humans let themselves be observed 24 hours on the day of a Home camera. That was the birth of the Anacam: The musician installed six cameras in her small apartment and transmitted the pictures over Internet. Thus she came to her large world, and from Rachel Ana Voog became. Each month visit over two million fans their page and puzzle minute around minute, which makes it probably next. The fans know, which colours Ana even with their clothes preferentially or whether them have a new friend. Virtually they feel connected in unexplainable type with a woman, in whose dwelling they would not have thrown not one view without the invention of the Internet.

The business with the public exhibition boomt for three years. In the meantime tummeln itself numerous humans in the network, who give ungeschminkte idea of their private life to the whole world: for example the thick, American Princess with their 70's-year checkout rack on the nose, which sinniert over the connection of names and appearance - or Frederik, which understands only Swedish. Had begun everything with the 19jaehrigen art student Jennifer Ringley, which wanted to make itself a name as Web Designerin. The ambitious girl planned to verzieren its homepage in regular intervals with a new Jenni picture why she bought a camera for the dwelling. " as with the fish in the glass ", a friend talked nonsense.

" Peepingmoe ", the index page for Web Cams, knows 345 Cam Pages, world-wide is it probably well over 1000. The cameras are located in the living room, in the kitchen and in the bath. They are the Paparazzi the appointed star. Why humans endure voluntarily, of which the Prominenz tries to protect itself by lawyer, is so far hardly investigated. On the Homethe pages camera People only sort referring to motives for the renouncement of Intimsphaere are... meistens are it to " Fun ", thus " fun ". " which is privacy? ", Home Cam nut/mother asks Jennifer. " if I in my dwelling undress, then I am nevertheless despite camera still alone ".

Ana Voog completes: " there are two types of private lives. My fans see me when deseaming, cooking, sleeping, which is art. however all the same how much it from me sees, into my heading can it not look. "Nevertheless believe each month many of the two million " Big Brothers " to get with their Stippvisite on Anas page also a view of their thinking. Ana sees its continuous internal message therefore with mixed feelings. Times it fascinates its on-line existence and it flatters to their Ego, then again disgusts it it, if visitors believe to be able to determine over their everyday life. " I must only sit vorm televisions and write her me: * You were bored. * Or: * You were tired. * Or: * You were sad * ", tell her in the interview with an American newspaper, in order to then report of the man, who wrote it: " you are like a beautiful fish, which one would like to only look at hour around hour. " Ana is a genuine marketing professional. It does not pass with it a week, in which a newspaper or a television station does not report on the new star. Among them are contributions how: " Ana uses the medium Internet, in order to show everything: Art is understood in a constant progress. Which makes, can it no artist with another medium than for the Internet achieving ". Some call it therefore in a breath with the creative ones of the Dada or the performance artists such as John and Yoko Ono. Ana are flattered. Without the cash the musician would like to do however in no case. Therefore is the one good fan, who their ANA ROMs with the many multicolored pictures, which, and perhaps in the future also its CD buys Ana coffee cups. Since it admits is many fans regard their cameras as a large Promotiongag, and the music critics gruebeln whether those is to be taken CD seriously or at the end one sent planned advertising campaign in the Internet is located.

While Ana makes as a singer Karriere and with Web Design new markets for Jenni is opened, hope Bernadette, Micah or Heat in their dwellings still for new virtual visitors, who discover their star qualities. Josh promises also to be in the evening at home Jim fights with ziegenbart around female hearts, and even the Princess with the 70's-years eyeglasses does not sinniert longer. *** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE ***