September 1998

(translated badly from german)

Ever more women can be observed over Internet of cameras - usually the those naked meat-inspect. Ana Voog is different, and it is that Star of the scene ok, the translation of the full article, but go there anyway & look at the ana pics. :) The computer monitor shows the picture of a young woman. It is located in its room, been busy with balls, sections of shop window dolls and holds written texts before a camera. After the conception it puts on its sofa and expires themselves again once for several hours into total apathy. The camera too potentially transfers the happening into Internet, over one hundred million spectators in the whole world. Since more than one year it transmits every few minutes a picture, to 24 hours on the day. We see Ana Voog, the first superstar of the Internet. Hundreds of so-called Camgirls constantly exhibitionieren themselves in the Internet, but none has one as loyale fan municipality as Ana. why is in such a manner popular it? What differentiates it from the other girls?

The most apparent difference is that it does not concern with Ana Sex. At least not mainly. It feels more frequently than we normal " humans the urge to get rid of of its clothes but that is evenly their nature. Differently than with a produced Sex Show, with which the Darstellerin remains anonymous and other, Ana shows its genuine, unzensiertes life approximately around the clock, observed from five cameras. No chance to hide itself. It does not want also. That is the true hard core. From the morning shower to the attendance of its nut/mother, nothing remains private. If Ana has a new lover, it receives the whole world, and at the latest on the next day the Liaison is topic for discussion of the on-line municipality. As much public goes sometimes to the substance, kokettiert the star occasionally in interviews, but it did not also want it differently. As a window into their life, up-pushed far, is to work the camera. Voyeure are we nevertheless all ", says Ana, and I am evenly besides still Exhibitionistin. "

Public person nonstop - this experiment fascinates Ana Voog so much that it constantly writes over it - into their likewise public intimate diary. O my God, which mach'ich here actually? " jammert it there, or it scoffs: That is so madly ridiculous. " But the doubt, the shame, frightening about itself are part of the experiment. Only one Quentchen distance built Ana into their exposure play: their names. Actually she is called Rachel Olson, is a musician and performance artist. The technical term Ana Voog " was originally meant for a disk project its old tape The Blue UP the tape broke nevertheless, and Ana alias Rachel continued to work alone under the name.

At the disk and in the Internet. Long are the boundaries between Ana and Rachel blurred. If the woman on that Display before thousands of spectators Sex has - who wants to there still separate between original and role? If it explores long and broadly its gesaess as problem zone or it sounds out the scars of its chest enlargement before the camera - whom we experience there, art figure or real person? Who hadert there with that Ideal fraulicher identity, Ana or Rachel?

If I am naked ", try Ana/Rachel to explain, then not for the camera. " Already rather for the characteristic self identification. Or for the graduation of its new disk (which Ana denies roll-conformal naturally vehement). In addition, attraction the Internet nature Ana flickers as in a Peep Show of merciless normality: I seem myself like the Homer Simpson of the Internet: I am situated all day long on the couch, look and eat Junkfood. " Exactly this commonplaceness makes it fast for the spectator such a thing like a good old acquaintance. The person, who actually lives in Minnesota, becomes via Internet a girl from next door ".

No comparison to the countless on-line supplies, where paying (and almost exclusively male) customers schmoll of age, vollbusigen watch stripper inside the coat room. Ana belongs already after few Visits somehow also to family approximately as an easily spanned cousin or friend with artistic ambitions, who remains for a few days or weeks to attendance. We see it laughing and cry, eat and to drink, yawn and sleep. No miracle that in the meantime unusually many women belong to the fan municipality of the Ana Voog. And that not only, since it in one American Talkshow occurred. With its numerous fans Ana is regularly by E-Mail in contact. In response these prove their devotion for Ana with own homepage, which dedicate them to their Idol. Because however admiration makes alone not full, Rachel Olsen Ana Voog cups drives out, - Mousepads and - D-CRcOcMs with the high points all their Web adventures. Additionally it hopes naturally for a success of its new disk " (radio active records). Those is not despite some pretty incidents from the material, from which international Top ten hits are cut. Nevertheless we become in the future surely still some by Ana or Rachel hear - and see hopefully. Recently anyhow was it still there. And slept quite peacefully. Who likes, which can check, which drives it now even.

Alexander Kasbohm