An Interview
September 1998

19) In one of your analogs you spoke about your ”breastaugmentation”. Few women are very open about that hoping against hope that no onewill notice. You seem proud of it, even going as far as to speak about itlike a grand experiment ( no pun intended ) and to blatantly draw attentionto them with a shirt that says ”Yes They Are Fake”. What was the story behindyou getting them? And do you regret it at all? Oh yeah, and just for therecord I would like to join the ranks of the New York Times in declaring ” Ms.Voog's breasts are round, high and firm looking. " Now that makes 4 publications I believe : )


ANA:well, i just wanted bigger breasts, plain and simple. i debated it for 8 years as to whether ot not i wanted that because i, as an individual, found it aesthetically pleasing..or if it was just societal conditioning. it is probably the latter, i'm still not sure...but i just decided it was too short a life to waste my time wondering anymore, and i decided not to feel any guilty about it and do what i thought was attractive, whether conditioned or not. i still don't know if this was a "good" or "bad" thing to do...i try to live by the philosophy that one should do what one feels is the most joyful thing to do, as long as it harms none. i guess one could argue that i've harmed myself...but so far i don't feel any harm...except that i think people judge me as stupider because i now have bigger breasts...which is totally annoying. but once again, that is their own projection of their own ignorance, and it's their loss not mine.

20) Now that you have moved into your new apartment ( congratulations, by the way ) we see more of your boyfriend. He is a musician as welland even remixed your song ”Hollywood”. Does he contribute anything on”” and are there any collaborations planned in the future?

ANA: we didn't know each other when i recorded, unfortunately. but we have already collaborated musically with our project called Purrotika, which is improvised ambient music. and we will continue to collaborate on just about everything we can collaborate on :) you should all check out his music at

21) Your look. Its ever changing. One day you are platinumblonde sporting rhinetone eyebrows and the next a raven haired she-devilcomplete with tiny horns and fishnet body suit. Are these different characters youdisplay for the camera.

ANA: no. they are all me. i just like to change my hair, like most people.

22) We spoke of your boyfriend before and that you just signed to a recod label. What is there take on the anacam. Do they agree with what you are doing? Many artists get dropped from labels for less and not many b-friends would relish the thought of others being able to peek in on their girlfriend any time they felt like it.

ANA:i don't know if my label agrees or disagrees, anacam is a completely separate project from my music , so far. and i wouldn't go out with a person who did not support my art/life/joy.

23) Whats the fixation with balls and mannequins?

ANA: i don't know! just like them. why do i like booberry more than count chocula? i just do.

24) Again, with continued success and more and more money to spend where do you see the anacam heading? Whats the next step in its evolution.

ANA:well, i'd like to see this "more and more money" thing! :) but i plan on adding more and more cams, streaming video, and sound. i plan on it to be more fun and amusing and thought provoking as i sleep on the couch a lot! i plan on getting a virtual couch with 3d sound :) it's hard to explain what's in my head...but i hope you'll just get to SEE it later..

25) You’ve been on Hard Copy and Vibe to name a few. How were those experiences?

ANA: both of those experiences were really wonderful. i'm sorry to see that sinbad's show was cancelled. everyone i came into contact there was very kind and calm. and even hardcopy was kind to me! i was quite shocked really. i thought they would tear me to pieces..but instead they took more of a "cute" angle and did not even mention sex, which was a nice change.

26) Do you plan on touring in support of your album?

ANA: i'd like to do live shows on the net.

27) Have you found any celebrities that were viewers of your site?

ANA: yes.

28) Are you enjoying your new found celebrity?

ANA: sure, i guess so...but since i rarely leave my house...this celebrity thing hasn't had much of a chance to say hi to me :) so it pretty much feels the same as before..there is just a lot more wires criss- crossing on my floor!

29) Do you believe in the 15 minutes of fame theory? If so what do you plan to do with yours?

ANA: i don't subscribe to that theory. if i did, i'd make a paper airplane out of it and mail it to an anonymous person picked randomly from a telephone book.

30) You’ve said that your parents did not approve of the cam. Has that changed?

ANA: no, they still really hate my cam :(

31) On a slight technical does the camera know when to switch to adifferent room.

ANA: i switch it with a switcher!

32) Where you technically minded before you got involved in the webcam business?

ANA: i'm still not technically minded , as u can tell from my above statement.

33) When speaking to you and seeing your appearances you seem very reserved and soft spoken yet you are doing this incredibly ballsy thing with the cam and your shows are pretty outrageous. Is performing and the camyour way of working out your exhibitionist demons?

ANA: as i've stated before, i'm not an exhibitionist...and if i was i wouldn't consider it a demon. i'm an introvert who chose to show her art in an extroverted medium. i'm determined to do what i want and express myself how i feel no matter what is considered "ok" in this day and age.

34) Right now as I type this the camera has you looking directly at ”me”. A pretty intimate feeling. Have you gotten any proposals from viewers. Whats the weirdest thing anyone has sent you e-mail or otherwise?

ANA: people have proposed to me, i don't believe any of them were serious. the weirdest thing anyone ever sent me was two pairs of ocular speculae ( sp?) the kind in clockwork orange to keep his eyes open. still have them...

35) Last but certainly not least...who is ana voog?

ANA: ana voog is me.