will tori amos make me pancakes?
read the conversation i had with her to find out about that and other circular insights! :)

Watch the interview on youtube!

november 18th, 1999 at 7pm was the unveiling of tori amos' new official website, www.toriamos.com! to go along with the grand opening, they showed the premiere of a conversation i had with tori amos in NYC on october 20th, 1999that u could see and hear on streaming vid. it's was 1/2 an hour long ( edited down from an hour ) and i think it turned out very well! if you want to know how on earth i got to be so lucky, go read my tori stories below! :) yay :) they took down the video of it ( it was up for many months) but u can read the transcript here:

here is the transcript

and don't forget to show your support for RAINN

here was the banner she had up on her site 2 advertise the chat :)

here are some journal entries from the anagrams on ana2.com where i talk about my encounters with tori amos and how i feel about it all including all my insecurities along with my great happiness feelings :) so be kind and gentle because this is a vulnerable side of me, i haven't even shown tori these writings because 1) i think they would be too long and intense and involved to read while on tour and 2) i'm too shy to show her because i'm afraid she'll think it's weird..but oh well..i'm posting it all here now and c'est la vie! i am an overanayzing hyperintrospective grrl, and that's just the way i like it to be 'cause the whole kit and kaboodle about what makes me tick, and all of us tick, fascinates me! some of the anagrams i just copied over the parts that had to do with tori and some of them i included the whole entire thing just because u can get a better sense of my day that day if i left in all my thoughts. or something. and ya ya i know i can be insecure, but that is part of my cam, showing my insecurities as well. i guess u could say i am secure enough in myself to show my insecurities. i just make it up as i go along like everyone else! ok, enough prefacing...here are my tori stories:

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