Ana Voog is an omnisexual minneapolis based multimedia performance artist. at this time she is most known for being the 1st to do a live cam as art, the second in the world to have a cam in the home 24/7, and now is running the longest running homecam on the net (
thee modern grrl is infotainment valu:
Ana Voog BECOMES sexual stereotypes and then blows them up from the inside out hoping that authentic knowledge/power can be gained through total chaos/confusion (or "knowledge through nonsense"). by doing and being what sexual stereotypes are "not supposed to do", she hopes these nonsense roles will be abandoned and new thoughts will spring forth.
now, as she almost reaches age 40, she has been through many "reincarnations" as an artist. 1st as painter and musician was her 11 year journey as singer/songwriter of the all female band The Blue Up? which brought forth 5 records (the 1st which she financed by stripping...and she continued women's rights to be topless with her live shows), 2 major labels...
2nd as "camgirl", photographer/pornographer and writer/documentarian which brought her worldwide recognition from the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, the new york times, A&E, playboy, hardcopy and the list goes on and does one even define it? seriously, this is starting to sound ridiculous, but the ridiculous part is that this is all true! i don't even know how to summarize!
to 3rdly, becoming almost a recluse in north america crocheting avant garde crochet hats and spinning yarn from exotic animals and futuristic textiles. say wha?
4thly, after all this she says, jedi
style: "i emerge still a cocoon"
now at the end of her beginning, she starts...just like the paradox she is.
is that enough run on sentences for
you? man, i am not even getting started...
and screw punctuation!