7.9.1991 7:58pm
i'm on the greyhound right now. next to me site an uptown rainbow gatherer/squatter.
on the floor lying on the ground is a boy from the band the love carp listening
to my mazzy star tape! i am listening to the cocteau twins blue bell knoll. across
the aisle in the seat is a man that looks like colonel sanders with some needlepoint
who is boring the man who has never taken the greyhound before and must catch
his plane at 11:100 to go to ariziona. there's a bunch of uptown squatters in
here and some amish looking polite and bewildered. it's so packed in here. it
hasn't been until now when i changed buses in eau claire. now a bunch of people
are standing.
it's beautiful rolling hills outside with the smell of deodorized bathroom in
here. this bus is running late so i should be getting home around 9:30pm. i hope
cris won't be too impatient.
there was a couple i was riding with until eau claire from N. Carolina who say
they made a mistake by riding on the greyhound. they usually take planes or limos.
so when they didn't have a seat to sit down in they huffily got off and declared
they were going to take a limo. if only we could open the windows in here. i'll
bet it smells so good outside. now i'm listening to " the sensual world"
by kate bush. quite a strange irony really.
the amish look almost hip