
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 04:08:36

it's 3am, and my server crashed again, so i have some time to put on a mud mask and write my ANAlog :)
how are all you people doing anyway? :) thanks for sending me all the haikus on sleep, i was delighted at how imaginative they were! here's the next project:
send me a haiku about cement! :)
i'm going to pop into the shower now then put some pajjama things on. hold on, i'll be right back......
3:40am, ok, i'm back. wow, it's cool to take a shower and not worry about what picture the cam is going to snap of you! it's a completely different vibe having the cam off. aaaah, my "old" life! lol someday i might get used to the camera and just forget it's there, but not yet! i still feel pretty self-conscious. i wake up and put on lipstick right way or else i look so washed out.
it sure is quieter in here with one computer shut off, too.

i actually do have a bed, it's a make-shift loft right above my couch, but i haven't figured out how to get my cam up there yet. plus it's cooler to sleep on the couch in the summer. i find it interesting that so many of you find it interesting to watch me sleep.

i sort of feel like you're all watching over me, protecting me as i sleep. :)

god, i really hoped i'd get to bed by 2am today. now it's almost 4. soon i shall sleep. slowly i'll get more on a "normal" schedule, i hope. but i guess i must be up for some of you in other countries.

there isn't much to report today. i basically slept through the whole day, then just when i started feeling active, my server crashed. i was right in the middle of telling my story called "bear spirit guide". i guess i'll do that tomorrow. i might do laundry over at a friends tomorrow,too. i'm going to try to get my cam over there.

i really want to get a cam in every room. and be able to take the cam
outside with me. i think it would be just hilarious if people saw me do absolutely everything. it would be so over-the-top and ridiculous. it's kind of like i live in a "camcage".
my house is getting messier and messier.

here is the word of the day, taken out of the dictionary randomly:
(oh my god, i can't BELIEVE, it's this!)

ORGIASTIC adj. 1. pertaining to or resembling an orgy. 2. marked by orgies.

ok, now i must write the meaning of orgy down, which is pretty cool:

ORGY n. 1. wild or wanton revelry. 2. any immoderate or excessive indulgence. 3. the secret rites in honour of certain greek and roman deities, marked by frenzied songs and dances. (from the Latin "orgia", from the Greek "secret rites")

ok, that's it for now! holographic glitter i sprinkle upon all thy heads at inopportune moments.

love and a swizzle stick,

previous analogs:


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