analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.31.98



These pix are from the last day of 1998. Except for the furby pix, which r from the day before when jason had his friends over 2 watch solaris. His friend jeff brought the furby. I dunno if that's the correct spelling of it. They r a lot smaller than I thought they were. I want one! someday when they go down in price, I hope 2 get one. This is the first time I've used microsoft word, and I'm noticing that it's capitalizing all the beginnings of my sentences, which I think is annoying of it. Also, there is an animated paperclip dancing at me in the corner of my screen. I have no idea what that's about…but it looks very friendly and helpful. It's sort of blinking and cuddling up 2 a lightbulb. Very odd. I have so much I could reminisce about 1998. It was such a crazy year for me. Everything that could happen to me practically did, short of getting pregnant or something like that. Jason became my boyfriend and we moved in together. I ended up in everything from newsweek to hardcopy. I finally got to move out of my crappy little apartment( but it was my first one I ever got to live in by myself…so I have only fond memories). My cd finally came out. There's really so much 2 I won't even say it. It's all in the past analogs J 1998 was probably the weirdest, greatest, and most stressful year I've ever had so far in my life. I loved it, but I'd never want 2 repeat it! I hope 1999 brings stability and harmony ! I couldn't even begin 2 guess what 1999 has in store. Too much 2 say..can't even say it. Goodbye 1998,
thank u!