analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.28.98


today i cleaned a lot. scoured the kitchen. things were ok, then certain things put me in a horrible mood, so i didn't do a drawing today. and i don't think i'll write much either. my head hurts. over the weekend i went to a science museum and looked at the exhibits and i downloaded a trillion new fonts and dingbats for my webcam32. if anyone can recommend any great font sites, let me know. i've also been learning more about the history of the net. oh, duh, i know why i have a headache right's because i'm going 2 get my period tomorrow/today. i always get a rotten headache the day before, them i get another one that is worse on the worst day of my period (which is wednesday), then i get an even worse one when my period is done (saturday or sunday). so this week might be pretty uncreative, depending on how bad my headaches get. i get horrible migraines where al i can do is try to not be awke as much as possible to get through them. i've been suffering from these migraines for over a decade. i've tried almost every conceivable way 2 make them stop short of searching for opium. i can feel my back muscles forming knots as my head hurts more. so i'll stop typing now...and here are ten pictures from the weekend. tomorrow i'm finally going to my mom's for "xmas". the wind is whistling through my windows so i'm going to go turn the heater on now. maybe i'll climb into bed and watch tv, that is my favourite thing to do lately. ack, i don't even have any aspirin in the house. thank u 2 all the members who've sent me their photos for me to draw/paint. i'm very excited 2 do them, and i'll get 2 them one by one. :)

luv and wishing 4 heavy painkillers,