analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.25.98
today was xmas day? if it was, it was even less xmasy than yesterday. i'm watching this year in rock thing on mtv and it's pretty dire. i never watch mtv umless it's an awards programme 'cause i like 2 see what people will wear. it's very cold in my house. jason is helping me start a moderated mailing list where i can give u updates and such but no one can write 2 the list. if you'd like 2 receive email from me about special things going on in ana2 or whatever i feel like writing, please write an email 2: then in the body of the message write "subscribe ana2" ( without the quotation marks) . i'll also repeat this message in anarchy. othe than that i don't have much 2 say. i watched a movie called "denial" that was so-so. and i did 2 more "paintings" of ana2 members as u can see :) one is of daveg and one is of juris/sacramento. I HOPE U DON'T hate me juris 4 making u into a siamese twin! as u can tell from my painting of the three members i've "painted" so far..i like double and repeating images. and yes, i know the daveg one is a total andy warhol ripoff! again, if you'd like me 2 paint/draw your picture( if u don't mind me making u look weird!), send your pic 2 me in a .jpg i watched this thing on siamese twins today AFTER i did the one of juris. i am completely fascinated with that. mostly i think it would b hell, and partly i am jealous..because u would always have someone who would understand u..or so it would seem. i hope u had a good christmas, unchristmas, chanukah, yule,!