december 25th, 2002


(list in progess)

things i did in 2002:

learned to crochet
made 18 hats
made 15 wristwarmers
had 15 hairstyles
had 7 hair colours
gained 23 pounds
lost 7 pounds
made 110 anagrams
got on paxil
got off paxil
got on 4 other antidepressants
got off 4 antidepressants
freaked about my mother
dealt with that grief
had countless more other personal grief
dealt with that grief
painted my floor red
painted my couch red
sent off pussy tv books
made little books
sent off little books
started more little books
finished the polaroid project
took thousands of photos
sold a few dozen drawings
made 1,355 journal entries
made THOUSANDS of photos
moved to a new apartment
sent off 140 list messages

was on 2 talk shows
let go of many things
lost myself
found myself again
lost myself again
found myself again

......list still in progress.......

things i learned in 2002:

who i was on 2002:

who i became in 2002:

goals i had in 2002:

goals i achieved in 2002:

things i thought about in 2002: