analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.24.98
not much 2 say today. it's the most unchristmas i've ever had. didn't do anything regarding xmas. i stayed in bed until about 6pm 'cause i didn't go 2 sleep until 7am today. i woke up at 1pm then just sort of laid there for another 5 hours 1/2 asleep. it wasn't unpleasant. then i started making the anagram. pictures of stuff on my desk. the can of coke the only hint of christmas. my mom is at relatives and my dad is doing many sermons today, as he's a lutheran minister. then he has lots of services 2 do tomrrow 2. christmas was never a very calm time at my house when i lived with my dad because of that. and everyone wanted his attention even more so then. everyone dropping by with 5 million baskets. we always had clam chowder as the traditional xmas dinner. i don't know why. odd choice. it's strange how xmas was withered away 2 being just another day 2 me today. partly i feel nothing about it, and partly i miss the excitement of it when i was a kid. xmas was my favourite thing ever back then. i love the smell of xmas trees and gingerbread :) today i'll setlle for xmas coca cola and watching spike lee movies :) s'alright :) today's picture was done from a photograph of my friend and fellow ana2 member, ZUMA! i hope u don't think i made u look 2 weird zuma! maybe i should start a page where i draw ana2 members? hmmm :) ya, i guess i could do that 4 awhile :) if you'd like me 2 draw u...send your picture in a .jpg format to: i can't promise i'll get 2 them all ( that is if i get ANY..don't want 2 assume!) if it bounces back it might b because my mail box is too full. i don't think it would hold very many pictures. merry unchristmas and all that, ana p.s. if u go back 2 the anagram on 12.22 ..there is a pic of zuma's drawing of me that he u can see how i transformed it. he said it was ok 2 include it :)