analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.23.98
i never did watch that movie i said i was going 2 watch in the last anagram. i ended up going into the bed and watching this cool movie on the independent film channel..and i can't remember the name of it. and i watched some thing on bravo about how the bolshoi ballet went 2 vegas and only around 50 tickets sold per night and a guy lost 1.8 million dollars over the deal. no one in vegas wanted anything of that caliber. it was kinda depressing. and i watched a biography about roddy mcdowell. then i sort of fell asleep during the best little whorehouse in texas. god, what an awful movie, and i didn't know it was a musical. e-gads. then when i woke up i watched shadowlands with the dogs on the couch. that was not a very good movie either, surprisingly. i love the chronicles of narnia. have u ever read those? the movie is about the life of the guy who wrote those. i didn't get together with my mom today because she had 2 drive 4 hours to this town she used 2 live in. she sold her house to this asshole lawyer who is now sueing them. long story. anyway, this guy is one of the most evil people on the planet. my mom had to drive with her horrible sickness she had for 4 hours in the cold to try 2 settle this thing out of court. it's really one of the most nerve-wracking evil things. my poor mom. :( so jason and i went 2 his parents instead and we went out 2 eat then watched southpark. now i'm back here typing this, trying 2 get this done in time 'cause jason is going 2 go 2 bed. the dogs are chewing on smoked pigs ears. it's so so cold out..i think below zero. we can never turn the heater off 'cause it gets so cold in here. we are going 2 tell the landlord 2 do something about our windows, because we r losing all our heat through them. this is a very bad insulated place. when we go 2 bed we have 2 heaters going, and a humidifier..then the sound of the laptop on the side of the bed. all the humming of the appliances drives me mad. it's a wonder i can sleep at all. i'm stil in love with my new desk and can hardly believe how lucky i am 2 have it and this wonderful computer! the power supply 2 my dsl line modem i'm without dsl again. this dsl service we have is not very reliable so far. yesterday i was in a convenience store and a person behind the counter was having a seizure. i felt so awful i wanted 2 cry. i know the person probably wasn't in pain, but it was so scary..he sounded like he was. the poor other clerks were on the phone with the ambulance not knowing if they should continue ringing up sales or not. the ambulance got there extremely fast, thank god. we have this unbelievable huge set up now 2 keep the dogs in the kitchen while we sleep( jumping from one subject 2 another at the blink of an eye). we now use the giant box my desk came in with two kitchen chairs pushed up 2 it. so now i have this humungous piece of carboard in the hallway now all the time. it's such a drag. maybe i should paint on it or something. deiter just won't learn where 2 go 2 the bathroom. i bought some new stuff 2 spray on the places he urinates so he won't go there again. i sure hope it works. a month of cleaning up dog pee and poo is really getting on my nerves. i'm constantly cleaning the carpet with a million things. he is a very stubborn dog. we put a collar on him today and a leash and he wouldn't have any of it. he would not budge, we had 2 almost drag him across the carpet 2 get him 2 move. he was being like a cat, making himself heavy and sulking. i've never known a dog 2 resist a leash so much. pooka was never this way. they have such opposite temperants. deiter is such a loveable dog in every other way though, and i'm so glad 2 have him. can u tell i'm super obsessed with my dogs? i am one of those irritating dog lovers now..speaking 2 my dogs in baby talk and the whole 9 yards. i never in a million years ever thought i'd b a dog person. i was always a cat lover and a dog hater. and i mean i HATED dogs. everything about them , especially their smell. i think it was because i had terrible dog experiences as a child. this really big black dog bit me right down 2 the bone at a potluck dinner on this farm once. i was bleeding everywhere and had 2 have 17 stitches. 4 people had 2 hold me down 2 put the stitches in, i was completely hysterical. don't i think it's interesting that the word "hysterical" comes from the root word meaning "womb"? anyway...another bad dog experience was when i was in canada visiting my relatib=ve when i was very young, i caught the stomache flu..and while i was very ill, this big sloppy dog was eating peanuts them spitting them out in front of me. so for most of my life i have hated all nuts and all dogs...especially the smell of both. now i finally like almost all nuts ( especially pistachios) and ALMOST all dogs. it took me up until just a few years ago 2 like these things..and it's a revelation 2 me 2 like them . ok, my hand cannot type that's it 4 i don't know what i'll do..perhaps watch tv in bed again...perhaps draw a picture for tomorrows anagram..i dunno.