analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.22.98
ok, i cheated today and used some pix from other days! sorrrrreeeeeeeeee. but dang. i've been completely ignoring the cam for the past few days due 2 tiredness and holiday stuff and having really good long talks with jason about everything under the sun and watching lots of movies and stuff. we just got back from going out 2 eat. i had a hot open faced turkey sandwhich and a woodpecker cider...and if that doesn't make me sleepy, i don't know what will :) now i think i'm going 2 watch "fear, anxiety and depression" ..a movie by todd salondz..jason says it's a woody allen ripoff but a good one. in case u didn't notice, i bought a new desk, so now i don't have 2 type on the floor! i am sooooo in love with my desk, it is the hugest most spacious thing. and it makes it much more fun 2 create at it. it's my fun workstation. and now our living room FINALLY doesn't look like a total haphazard pit. i was going 2 go to my mom's for an early xmas tonight, but she caught an awful cold or something, so now we're going 2 go there tomorrow if she's feeling up 2 it. i kinda don't like going 2 my mom's 'cause she is always insulting me in one way or the other lately. like a few weeks ago she said i looked like a holocaust vistim and last time i saw here she said my hair looked like a tumour. god. it pisses me off. she didn't used 2 b this way, i don't know why she's being this way 2 me now. ever since i started my cam she's been so hostile towards me. sucks big-time. deiter is now chewing on something he's not supposed 2 again. so i better go. but one last thing...the drawing today i did from a drawing that zuma made of me...i'd include his original, but he hasn't finished it yet, so i don't want 2 piss him off :) but i thought it was so cool, i started 2 add on to it in my one way and colour it! zuma...i hope u like it and don't mind :) luv and blue pencils, ana
p.s. i've added the original drawing that zuma did