yesterday my mom came over
here at noon. i got up at 10am and cleaned maniacally and shoved things into
the thing room. two of my camcorders are still in there so i gotta go get
those still and plug them again. i didn't want to make her nervous with so
many cams all over. but it was me who was nervous. i couldn't even eat anything
until she left. but we had a good talk and stuff. nothing too heavy. and she
gave me my xmas presents early which are some leggings and tights and this
nice soft creamy white hooded sweatshirt that i'm wearing right now. she even
brought over my stocking that she had made me when i was little and stuffed
that, too :) she rocks :) she is so funny, of the things she put
in my stocking was a sample of a pantyliner she's gotten free in the mail.
and i'm like, "mom, oh THANKS!" lol. pantyliners from santa. well,
she was like"well, i don't need those anymore!" ( hyterectomy ).
LOL. my mom. yep! she's a mom!
it's been bloody freezing in my apartment. it's been 7 degrees with below
zero wind chill. and my apartment is SO not insulated it's stupid. i mean
it's really bad. i have the heater going nad the space heater nad the electric
oven on broil. today isn't as bad 'cause it's not as windy. now i'm listening
to kate bush again and making this anagram furiously. then i HAVE to get my
act in gear and i HAVE to clean the thing room because i think tomorrow at
some point is when the piano is going to be delivered! of course i am in NO
mood to clean AT all. but i really have no choice about it. ack.
i had a dream that all my bottom teeth were crooked. i can STILL feel the
feeling of it in my head and i keep running my tongue on my botom teeth just
to reassure myself that they are straight.
i also dreamt that i was with that old icky vampire guy boyfriend and he was
conjuring up some demon in a temple and then he realizerd he was being duped
and it was not a real demon. still i was suffiently grossed out enough by
that that i started to go out with this girl with long brown hair. and she
was really cool and nice but i was nervous about it because i felt i wasn't
ready to jump into another relationship so fast. anyway..all that is just
the outer stuff of the dreams. actually they are so intricate with many diagrams
that go along with each action and many different angles watching the dream
from all angles. with flashes from the past and ice skating along the diagrams
with my fingers having to deal with touch and courtship and magick and conjuring.
it's impossible to describe in words.
so i have the sound on again. you can put this in winamp or realplayer 7 or
but all it is is me typing and after that, i HAVE to go into the friggin cold
cold thing room and clean clean clean. yuck.
oh! and
BIG news!!! is gonna give me a stream like theirs! that is
super streaming vid with good streaming sound! the microphone is in the cam
they are gonna give me. as u zoom the camera really big..the mic hears the
whole room and when u zoom it in small the mic gets quieter and more close
up. SO. i am very nervous and excited about all of this because i am hoping
i will not lose a lot of u as members because this will be a free thing 'cause
it's their stream and their site is stream will be part of their site.
it will also be a part of THIS site. it is a merging of sorts :)
i will be able to stream to almost unlimited viewers! erik told me that the
other day they had a party and they had 19,000 simultaneous connections! it's
something i just cannot pass up, since i so much adore to communicate. this
is a fantastic thing for me!
but i am hoping you will please continue to support anacam and ana2 because
streaming , i don't feel, can ever take the place of my cam photos and my
art and my writings :) streaming cannot take the place of anagrams :) the
more experiences i have, it can only enrich ana2 and anacam in good ways for
everyone :) so i hope you will be happy with me and please continue to be
with me and all the anaverse for the cool journies we wil all have as technology
brings us even closer together as one big "THING" :) i think this
is gonna be beyond cool. and , y'know, if it turns out sucky...i can always
stop doing it. so there u have it!
even though my decision won't be swayed, i am very interested what your thoughts
are on this. so please tell me if u feel up to it!
i don't know when this will happen. but it will be pretty soon. an exciting
thing for the new millenium for the anaverse!! i always try to follow my "joy"
(insert new age thme musiq here )..and i believe that by following it...that
will always bring me the most fulfillment and abundance, in what ever form
that is :)
oh, and i gotta go find the phone # of the guy who helped me switch the merchant
account # to my name. ( yay!!!!!!) and i gotta ask him how we start processing
on that 'cause i haven't received a password or anything for it. it feels
SO good to get stuff in my name. i feel so much more "whole, legit, and
adult" now. LOL.
deiter is chewing on a rawhide thing and making a chewing rackety sound.
and pooka is curled up like a delicate cinnamon roll on the couch.
eek, frickin scratch on my kate bush cd!ok, i moved to the sting cd. ten summoners
tales. i want some LITE musiq today. cleaning musiq. not like i can hear the
stereo in the thing room :( but i can bring the laptop in there and play a
cd on that.
ok, enough babbling about the boring and mundane!'s my take on this poem :)
thee net b 4 new year's at anacam :)
'Twas the night before New Year's, and at anacam
all the webcams were stirring, 'cause she had much RAM
the browsers were pointed at cams 1 and 2
In hopes we'd catch glimpses of fetik's hairdo
The livegrabs were ready to capture the frames
While visions of bathtubs fizzled our brains
Then Deiter with squeak toys in his firmest grip,
Appeared, and we started on our goofy trip
When out through speakers there came such a squeal
I dove under the desk to see what's the deal.
the tangle of cables I flew like a flash
Frantically watching my IE 5 crash
The monitor glowed with it's eerie blue light
As I searched for the sound that had given such fright
Then what to my wondering eyes should they see
But a cute jewish boi and eight pizzas times three!
His harddrives a-jangling, and not much of a headik ( headache , ok?)
I knew in a moment it must the fetik !
rapid than pookas, those programmes they came,
And he whistled, and winked, and he called them by name;
"Now, chillcam! Now winzip ! Now livegrab, and hotmail !
On, ircle ! On quicktime, ! On winamp , and thumbnail!
Reboot your puter! Log into the chat!"
We fired up remotes, as quick as a cat!
As images refreshed and irc filled with chatters
The anaverse melted like a million mad hatters!
Then off through the ether fetik3 flew
Now assisted by Guru, and AnaBawt too!
then, in a twinkling, the load on the modem
increased as I frantically tried to download 'em!
As I loaded my HD with images bright
Ana appeared with a big flash of light!
was dressed all in nothing, from her head to her foot,
And her hair was all sprinkled with glittery soot.
A bundle of packages hung from her back,
filled with brand new computers that no one could hack.
Her eyes -- how they twinkled! Her breasts so like globes!
Her ears did a wiggle right down her earlobes !
With a smile on her lips and pizza sauce on her chin,
she set us at ease with a very small grin.
The stump of a twizzler she held tight in her teeth,
and the pooka dog circled her feet like a wreath.
she had quick nimble fingers that made lots of typings
and her anagrams pondered the typo gripe gripings
was tiny and nervous, quite a sprightly young faerie,
And I laughed when I saw her, 'cause i'd had too much sherry
A wink of her eye and a twist of her rear,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to fear;
she spoke 7 words,then went straight to her play,
Making ana2 passwords, because she had "gone pay".
then there were the stripey pants and the anaverse cheered!
and she slipped them on ,and then just disappeared!
As she shot through the ether, to her dogs gave a whistle
and away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard her exclaim, ere she watched her creation,
"I KISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! and i invitate u 2 the sleepstation!"