analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on )12.20.98


i meant 2 get this done on friday..but on friday, i made so many cool pictures with the cam, that the ordeal of sorting through them i put off. then finally i picked a few of them 2 put in..but there's a lot more i'll add 2 arcana later. i'm so tired right now i can hardly see straight, let alone type. i've been working on these dang coffee cup drawings for hours and hours and hours. trying out new things 2 do to them, but most of them ended up bad. so here are two that i liked the most. i'm still not totally satisfied with them, but i have 2 end it somewhere, 'cause i have 2 go 2 sleep and my hand is cramping up. i have so much 2 say, but i'll have 2 say it in the next anagram. the spa thing went fine :) jason looks cute with a pedicure :) i made these cam pix on friday. the drawings of these coffee cups i did today. am i repeating myself? *eyes go cross-eyed*. i don't know why i love drawing cups so much, but i do. maybe i'll keep drawing many different variations of these cups. i never get bored of drawing them so far. but i have yet 2 get them how i see it in my head. i can't tell if it's me, or the medium of paint shop pro that is causing me problems. i think it's the medium. but it's good 2 figure out what works and what doesn't and how 2 make the gliches in the medium work for me. it stretches my that when i get back down to ordiniary pensil and paper, perhaps i'll be better for it. what am i babbling about? i'm TRYING 2 say something interesting about this process i'm going through, but i don't think i'm being very interesting or coherent about it, so i'll stop right here. :) ana