19th, 2002
did anyone tape the rob nelson show? i want to see it so much! i am making chicken soup
out of the chicken i baked this morning. i know iraq is probably hiding stuff. but it feels to me that this whole inspection thing is just a farce, on the u.s.'s behalf. because i know and you know that the cowboy in the whitehouse is gonna bomb the hell out of them no matter WHAT the inspections find. augh. i just heard on the news right now that there is a video game out that you win points if you kick a prostitute to death after you have sex with her. i can't even fathom that christmas is days away. i haven't even bought presents. i totally suck! i have to rectify that situation in a hurry! although i don't have many people who i buy xmas presents for. and jason is've been celebrating chanukah more than xmas these last few years. |
i'm so excited for the survivor season finale tonight!
i'm rooting for either of the women to win :)
well, i guess i was on the rob nelson show today. but i missed it! because those turds didn't call me and tell me when it was going to show when they said they would! my schedule is so whacked out. i don't know if it's day or night! it's grey and snowing. i'm not really getting any feedback about what you think of what i am doing in my anagrams lately. have you liked the nikon pix? i mean, i'll still do what it is i do regardless of what you think, because that's the only way i can be. but i'd still really love to know what you are thinking about my latest anagrams. you are all being so quiet! :) i know the things i've been doing have been more cryptic and abstract and not going to get the response i get when i make lots of boobie pix *snort* :), but hey...what are y'all thinking? let me know :) i'm guessing that you must not HATE what i'm doing because people are not unsubscribing en masse. but that's all i can figure. :) |
i'm still up. jason woke up to go to
work and he is going to
come over and give me a hug before he
and snuggle and eat pancakes
it sounds like it's raining. it's been grey for days | |||||||||||
i put a chicken in the oven so it will
be done by noon
although i will still be sleeping. hope i wake up at noon | |||||||||||
to take it out
a good thing i am not psychotic.
i would read a lot of meaning into that :)
:) ...
at what a nice long anagram i've made you
and it's not even light out yet! | |||||||||||
deserve to sleep in now
don't u think? | |||||||||||
u anything to say?
goodnight. |
insert | zebra | canary | bleed |
expand |
dune | willing |
god | mother | alien | mind |
opal |
astral | mouth |
hyper/high power/hi purr
with |
tables | |||||||||
dum |
ditty ditty ditty |
dum | de | dum |
it has been brought to my attention awhile back that i might have "Cyclothymic Disorder". i researched it, at the time, came to the conclusion that i did not have it as i didn't feel my moods swung up and down for no reason whatsoever. i can always attribute a reason as to why i am in the mood i am in. but the other day, with that terrible suicide-way i was in...and then boom...i am all creative now and feeling quite happy. THIS i cannot figure out. unless i just "snapped out of it". i don't know. so i looked it up again and now i am wondering if i do have it. |
ohmigod. i've discovered something
this is going to take over my entire site...
pornography vs. prostitution why is it ok to be paid for sex if it is in a movie but it is not ok to be paid for sex if it is not in a movie? |
happiness vs. pleasure happiness is more important than pleasure but... could a person living without pleasure be truly happy? |