december 18th, 2002


i'm hanging in there. the last two days i have actually been pretty happy. go figure.

i'm having fun with my nikon again, which i'm sure you've noticed :) i'm trying not to drink again which is "ok" but kind of sucks as everywhere there is for me to go and things i get invited to are at bars or are places/events i would normally drink. i'm not really sure how to fit in not-drinking with my social life. i don't have much of a social life anyway. but this makes it basically no social life for me, at the moment. it's not that i CAN'T go into a bar and have a drink, it's just that it SUCKS going into a bar and not having a drink if everyone else is drinking.

that's all i'm going to say about that.

jason and i are planning on going to japan in a year and we are looking into taking a japanese language course! i am very excited about this :) i hope it really happens :)

i went off atkins again but plan to go back on it tomorrow. i weigh 124. it's working for me to go on it and lose a few pounds then go off it to keep me sane, then go back on it.

i really would love to paint my partment red...if only i liked thsi place and knew i would stay at it and didn't have to change it back to white when i left.

i was watching "real sex" last night on hbo and i saw those clear glass pyrex sex toys and i have decided that i NEED them! did you see that thing called the "klingon"? YUM! i went to their site and i can't find where to buy it! if anyone knows PLEASE let me know!!! pyrex glass is cool because you can warm the glass before you use it so it feel really niiiiice :) plus you can wash them in the dishwasher and they are gorgeous sculptures to boot! i MUST have them all!!!

i need to become a glass blower even MORE now :)