analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on )12.16.98


we put the dogs in the kitchen at night, otherwise deiter will pee all over while we sleep. and we keep pooka with deiter 2 keep deiter quiet. it makes me sad 'cause i like pooka 2 sleep with me. we put this baby gate over the kitchen door 2 keep them in, but now pooka has figured out how 2 climb it, and then he comes scraching on our bedroom door and deiter starts 2 bark. so we put pooka in the "space capsule" ( a clear blue futuristic kennel), but this made him whine the saddest sounds and then pooka peed in this went on all night. finally, at 5 or 6 am i decided 2 go sleep in the living room and let the dogs be around me so they'd be quiet. then jason got up about 8am and had 2 pick up his car at the shop, so that woke me up, then he came home, then he left again 2 go 2 a job interview 'cause we need some $. so all in all i was woken up ever hour on the hour and when i finally got up at noon, i was still so tired. then i saw the mess that deiter had made in the kitchen while they had been in there at night. he tore up his foam bed and ripped up the "puppy pad" that he occasionally goes 2 the bathroom on. so 1/2 asleep, i start 2 clean the kitchen and the kitchen floor 1st thing. i had to take all the coverings from their beds and from thew capsule and put them in the washing machine. then i clipped pooka's nails, which i hate 2 do, 'cause if u clip one too short, it will bleed, and then i feel terrible, even though pooka doesn't feel any pain from it. i've only clipped it too short once, but today was the 2nd time, and this time it would not stop bleeding for over an hour! so i had 2 put pooka back in the kitchen to stop him from bleeding on the carpet. poor little dog, didn't understand WHY he had 2 go into the kitchen again. then i had 2 put deiter in the kitchen , too, otherwise deiter would run all over the house. it was around then i realized that i had a horrible kink in my back, maybe from sleeping funny on the couch, and this kink was causing my head 2 hurt. it kept getting worse. my head still hurts. my back is in knots. pooka needs a bath badly from all the blood but i hurt too much to stoop by the bathtub. so i'll have to clean the kitchen floor from all the blood and give both the dogs a bath tomorrow. and hopefully nothing will get ripped up tonight. i don't really how tonight will go, since pooka can climb the gate, but freaks out if he's in the capsule. i dunno. all i know is south park is on in 20 minutes and i just want 2 lay flat on my back and try to relax the kinks out. when jason and i went 2 the mall of america the other day, we nought this massager called "the thumper", and it's really great! it THUMPS like a swedish massage. but when jason put it on my back this afternoon, the knots were too painful 2 even be touched like that. in the background scary spice is attempting 2 interview 0(+>( the artist). very bad interview. reminds me of the interviews i do sometimes. questions like "where do u get your ideas?" . brain? how can i answer that? it's from everything all put together. deiter is getting bigger and not loking as dopey thses days. it's going 2 be fun seeing how big he'll get and watching him get all his the big long tail pooka has. :) no real interesting pix from today since it was a day of laying on the couch in pain or cleaning up dog stuff. it snowed today and that was pretty though. it's all melted now. i did try to dress up today to make myself feel better, i put on a black sequined jacket and had my green boa. but since i was laying on the couch and not by my computer i didn't get any pictures of that saved. but here are 4 pix from the day i manage to save. they aren't very pretty , but that was what the day was like. on the anacam page, jason put up a link to a place caleed "camdepot" that so far today was bringing in 150 new people to my site. i don't know how i feel about that..."voting" and "being ranked". of course, everyone likes it if they r the most popular, and i definitely like new people to find my site...but i still feel weird about it. i'll mull that one around in my head for awhile. but i've decided to keep the link up for now at least to see if anything comes of it...or something. it's always good to try new things. i went to the page and it seems pretty nice. some guy listed on there has a ferret cam and that's cool :) that's it for today... ana