analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.15.98
today i finally took my clothes out of the garbage bags they've been in for 4 months, and started hanging up my poor wrinkly vintage dresses. it's going 2 b nice 2 start wearing them again. i still have a lot more clothing 2 hang up. i need 2 get a steamer 2 get the wrinkles out. i found a picture on the web taken from the film of a dutch documentary i was in last summer. a dutch film crew came over just 2 film me! it was quite awkard. seeing that picture makes me meloncholy for my old little strange apartment..and for my cat, nova, who is sitting on the toilet there as i take a bath. today was a stressful day business-wise, but it has calmed down some now. so i'm a bit drained from it all, but glad i got some cleaning done. deiter is chewing on all the wrong things right now. so i'm gonna go now and either clean more or watch that movie i keep meaning to watch. i wonder how many days it's overdue now? whenever i try 2 get into anacam, i see a casino place. i sure hope that gets fixed soon. i can see the anarchy bbs, but i cannot post in there yet because of this strange server mix-up. i'm glad that some of have access 2 it, and i hope i will, too, soon. very frustrating! jason moved all the old arcana pix intro the arcana of ana2. if u want 2 see the 300 new pix, it's pages 8-14! that's it for today. :) ana