analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on 12.14.98
yesterday was the 1st night of chanukah and the first one i've ever celebrated because jason is jewish. his family really likes me, which is so wonderful, as no other of my boyfriend's parent's have ever liked me. we exchanged lots of gifts and ate yummy food. then afterwards jason, his dad and i went 2 see insurrection, the latest star trek movie. i liked it :) i'm a total trekkie. then i came home and blew up this plastic inflatable tote bag i bought and decided it would make a nice that's what some of the pictures above are. the day before jason and i went shopping for 5 hours at the mall of america. we bought his sister one of those bags, too, except in blue. the mall of america is a hellish place and all i keep imagining happening there is an arnold schwartanegger type moviescenerio where snipers should come into camp snoopy and start a shooting spree...blood all over deflating giant plastic snoopy...people screaming in legoland. today i woke up to a bad case of food poisoning, or something like that. i was doubled over in the bathroom in a cold sweat. i have no idea what brought that on. afterwards i just slept, then got up and did shopping, post office, cleaning the kitchen. it was gorgeous outside. 55 degrees. it's been like continuous fall here, i love it! i feel like i could fall right back 2 sleep right now, but it's only i'm trying 2 make myself stay awake. i'm 1/2 watching this biography on janis joplin on the E channel. i don't like her music or voice..but i love 2 watch biographies on just about anyone. i still haven't watched that "photographing fairies " movie..which is overdue now. i haven't had a two hour attention span in the last few days. i'll try again tonight, perhaps..but i'm so tired. so that's why there's no drawing 2 go with todays anagram...tooooo tired! jason put up 300 new pictures in arcana for ana2! it took him all day! it feels so cool 2 see all the pictures together like that, and i'm going to continue to go back and get all the old pictures i haven't yet put in order. i think it'll be pretty incredible 2 see all the pictures i've ever done ( that are good, imo) together in one place someday. i still have 2 go retrieve all the anapix that were lost in the server accident a few months ago. that will b much more of a pain 2 thumbnail because they're all different sizes. if i wasn't so tired i could probably make some interesting pictures with the elf hat and green feather boa i have on right now. i wish i made it a point more 2 dress up more often, 'cause it makes me feel so much better. sorry the 2nd cam has been stuck in the bedroom all day...i was just sick, then gone, then cleaning, and by the time i put it into the livingroom, it'll b time 2 put it back in the bedroom. so i'm gonna keep it in there til i go 2 sleep. with the latop and all it cords and maneuvering the cords and boomstand etc all over the's a pain in the ass when you're tired, sometimes. jason is playing with those chinese metal balls with the bells inside that u roll around in your hand 2 balance your chi. i don't know what they're called but i've always loved them and the sound they make. me and my orb obession. i bought them for jason for chanukah. sorry if u were one of the people who couldn't get into ana2 for awhile. i guess there was a weird net thing happening and people were either taken 2 a place with pictures of she-males or a page 4 a casino. very strange. the net is like a huge plundering electric dinosaur, it's a wonder it works at all sometimes! it is so futuristic and archaic at the same time to me. oh, and when u go look at the pix from arcana, you'll see i've included many from the anagrams, but not all. that's so that if people want to look at only the pix, they don't have 2 go through all these anagrams 2 see them. that's all 4 today :) ana