all nude all week! (in celebration of voluptuousness)
12th, 2002
i'm just watching CSI and baking a chicken :)
right now i am looking for
lost cords. but now they also make this one that has an LCD display that i really need! i'm also working further on getting the cords together to hook up a 2nd computer for a 2nd cam. oh crap, i guess i am short a mouse so i cannot hook it up right now. gah. i wonder where that cord is. i'll bet it's hiding with the remote control for my tv and my fisheye lense for my cam that i lost months ago at the same time. so frustrating! |
if anyone wants to make some anapix from the photos i have put up lately (or not lately) , please do! and i will put them up here, and in my LJ, and link to your site by your picture :) send them to: here is an x-rated animation done by BenLong from my "sex with mannequins" series :) lordy! i feel like such a porn star now. i still haven't figured out how to make an animated gif. you'd think i would know by now. hmm, i think i will just keep typing as this pushes that gif down further because i don't feel like looking at it right next to my cam picture for the next hour or so :) so...dum ditty dum...what can i say? i'm cooking a steak right now. today is my day 2 of atkins again. hmm, what else. oprah is on but it is a repeat.'s a low key day. i feel pretty happy today. i'm proud of my pictures i've taken lately. the dogs are playing. there isn't much snow here. um.... woop!
i just woke up. my schedule is whacked again.
i have to wear clothes for a little while because they are painting the halls and my door and they need to open my door to paint and then let it dry. which i don't know how is going to work because my dogs will run out. not only that but they fucking open my door and i'm laying on the couch nude and thank god i have a blanket on me! fuck! and i was asleep. so i'm yelling at the guy, shut the door shut the door! and he doesn't speak english, so he opens it WIDER then LEAVES!! my dogs are barking and freaking out and i'm afraid they will run out the door and there is nothing i can do because i am NUDE. finally, after many minutes, he comes back and i again yell SHUT THE DOOR SHUT THE DOOR SHUT THE DOOR! and he finally shuts it. then another painter comes and knocks on my door and explains and i go to the door ( with clothes ON ) and now he is painting it again while at LEAST 5 other guys are excitedly speaking to each other in another language. god knows what they are saying. highly irritating. and pooka NEVER barks but was barking like a maniac at these guys. i am SO tired because my dogs have been barking at the door since 7am because of these painters and i didn't go to bed until 6am so i am just exhausted. and this has been going on for days. if this apartment complex would just spend the money they spend on beautifying the hallways and entryway on fixing the WINDOWS, it would be just great. and the paint fumes are making me feel ill.