analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.11.98
hello :) i still can't believe i'm able 2 get these done on time because everyday it takes me longer and longer 2 draw 'cause i'm getting pickier, i think. figuring out how 2 cut and paste in paint shop pro. but there's lots in there i don't understand, and i haven't tried to very hard. the beginning of thhis day was spent in bed watching "mars attacks" , kind of a dumb movie but i was having fun watching it. then i missed the ending because of a phone call! grr. then i finally got up and first i moped about not knowing what 2 i just started cleaning. the usual...vacuum the dishes..bla bla. then the sun started 2 go down so i made some pictures 2 put in here, then drew. i am wondering what u r all thinking of this new feature i'm doing, 'cause i haven't gotten a ton of feedback. is it a good thing 4 u? is it making it worth your ten dollars even more? or do u not really care? if u don't want 2 post in anarchy just drop me a line at and please let me know if it is making ana2 better 4 u, worse, or u r indifferent. k? today i ate pepperoni pizza and coca cola. how american. i feel pretty gross, but i feel emotionally pretty happy at the end of each day because of therse anagrams. it feels good to have done something concretely beautiful ( IMHO) each day. i don't feel like such a sloth! i can look back at these and feel a sense of accomplishment. :) pretty soon now i'm going 2 watch the movie "photographing fairies" we tried 2 watch it last night, but the dogs became so amusing that we ended up watching them instead. they sure make a mess, but each day they bring so much laughter that it's more than worth it. i can't wait for my hair 2 grow. i feel really stupid with that blonde patch on my head, but if i can just wait it out another month til it gets long enough 2 put some extensions on the blonde part, it will b a very cool and unusual hairstyle coming up! i can't even describe it, i hope it will have been worth the horrible waiting with this weird hair. today jason practiced his keyboards a lot. he is taking piano lessons. i went with him the other day, and it's so cool watching him get better and better each week. he is learning 2 play, " angel eyes" ( an old jazz standard), and some preludes by beethoven, and phillip glass' "mad rush". quite the variety. now he is going out tonight 2 watch his friend's band play and i'm going 2 stay home and b the antisocial one, as usual. jason's back is killing him, he keeps lifting things that r 2 heavy. i want him 2 go 2 a chiropractor. i don't know why, since i've never been 2 one...i don't really know what they do, but it sounds like it would b a good idea. and today he was battling it out with some mean person who said they were from the minneapolis music scene...the battle was happening at will's ana voog bbs ( i can't believe how insanely mean people will get when they know they can hide behind the mask of anonymity! can u believe? it really is evil and atrocious the things people will say and do if they think they're safe behind the net. i can't decide if i think people are basically good or basically eveil. maybe it's 50/50. then there r those that r annoyingly neutral, sometimes i feel that can b even more evil. not saying anything definitely can b sometimes worse than saying SOMETHING. i felt kinda bad that i did not jump into the bbs situation and rally 2 his side, as he more than often does 4 me. we talked about how people like to stay 'neutral' in these situations, and i commented on how that was sort of sad. jason then pointed out that it was understandable, and that even i hadn't posted about it., i felt pretty bad. i had been busy cleaning the house and had just felt he had it under control and i didn't feel i could add anything constructive 2 the argument exept 2 say 2 the guy "fuck u asshole". sometimes i think that needs 2 b said. now the dogs r at it again, having their wild time. i have 2 comb pooka's fur 5 times more a day now, because deiter keeps chewing on it. oh and btw, jacqui, u wanted 2 know what cleaner i use 4 the dog's called "nature's miracle"'s an enzyme that eats away at the stuff u can't get at in the takes 2 weeks 2 completely eat it away, but when it has, it's ALL stain, no smell. it's pretty great stuff! ok, that's it 4 today..i'm gonna go take a shower then relax and watch a movie, my hands r all twisted from drawing and typing and cleaning! ana