analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on )12.08.98


because i'm enclosing 2 pictures that took a total time of three hours to create ( i think..i lost track of time). i couldn't choose between the two pictures, so i'm putting them both in. as u can tell, they do not reflect how i was feeling earlier today as i was laying in the sun. i got nervous later, as nervousness pops in on me whenever it wants to, but because i drew for so long, that actually calmed me down..that and a bunch of xanax. not i'm listening to stereolab's "dots and loops", and i must hand this over to jason now to put up. if u need more verbage..i wrote an EXTREMELY long new analog that's up right now! plus in case u didn't know, there are 27 new anapix up 2 look at to. not i'm going to go watch the movies i was going to watch yesterday. luv and sedation, ana