analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 12.07.98
ok, here is the 1st of the new "anagrams" a "somewhat daily" collage of thoughts and pictures from that day. these pictures are from 12-6-98, but i'm writing this on 12-7-98. hopefully everything will synch up as i get the hang of this. and the anagrams will get better as i get a feel for it. this one is this 1st and therefore the most awkward. it's more of a "hello and welcome to the 1st one" than anything else. it's funny that as i work very hard on making my this website more interesting, the cam has to get more boring as i type this and figure it all out. there isn't much 2 say at in this 1st one because i've said a lot of it already in anarchy. my day has been filled with totally thinking about this, and going 4 a walk to do errands. i don't know what the night will be yet. i think movies 'cause we rented some yesterday. we rented "dr.doolittle" ( the eddie murphy one) and "photographing faeries". we want 2 watch things that r totally lighthearted since jason and i have been so absorbed in the business aspect of things. plus jason is practicing his keyboard everyday and teaching himself photoshop. i wish i had his motivation and drive! maybe i do in my own way, but i can't put it into words. when i put my mind 2 making a record, that's when i get really focused, or when i'm on a roll with making cool photos with the cam. other than that, i think a lot of my time is spent lately just trying 2 stay grounded and seeing that the little chores of things get laundry, garbage, dishes. i have so much 2 do and so much happening around me business-wise..that it's all i can do to just keep grounded for now and prepare for winter. that and i'm feebly trying 2 excercise more as i've put on 6 pounds, i think. oh, i know i know, a lot of u r just gonna say i NEED the 6 xtra pounds. but believe me, i know EXACTLY how much i LIKE my body to weigh. i know my "comfort zone"..and i like it there! it may b too skinny for a lot of people, but that's how i like it, so that's how it is, mostly. :) we're almost out of food here again, must go food shopping. see? that's where my mind is at. the little tasks of life..but then not 2 far away from that is the working of a new album, and album SO complex and SO expensive 2 make, i don't know how or if it will get done. sometimes if i do not have the means to carry out a specific creative vision, that creative vision will be boring to me by the time i have the means to make it. it's a tricky business, the art of making art. timing is everything. everything has to collide right. it's a wonder anything creative even comes out of me at all since i cannot b forced 2 b creative. i got two more cams running again that the ac adaptors had broken on. but no long cords to put them in other rooms yet. so i have the little cams up by my computer now, maybe u can tell when i switch between them? maybe not. each cam has it's own personality, so i love to switch around with them. i've given myself until 9pm each day to make an anagram of that day. then jason will, hopefully, have the time 2 put it up that day. i hope we'll find a rythym in this. once i learn the frickin html, this will go a lot better! that's it for now, 'cause now i'm going 2 go make a doodle 4 this page, and i've picked out 6 pictures from yesterday out of the 4,900 that were saved by livegrab. can u say holy shit? maybe by the time it's 9pm, i'll have made ONE cool picture today, but don't count on it as i'm very preoccupied with just getting little tasks done today...speaking of which i have to go clean up puppy poo now before i make a drawing. yucko. luv and floppy disks, ana