all nude all week! (in celebration of voluptuosness)

december 7th, 2002



in celebration of voluptuosness :)

vo·lup·tu·ous ( P )

Pronunciation Key (v-lpch-s) adj.

a. Giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample, unrestrained pleasure to the senses: voluptuous sculptural forms; a voluptuous ripe fruit; a full, voluptuous figure.

b. Devoted to or indulging in sensual pleasures. Directed toward or anticipating sensual pleasure: voluptuous thoughts. Arising from or contributing to the satisfaction of sensuous or sensual desires.



how much money spent on food per month?

i am curious. how much money do you spend on food for just yourself, per month, on average? i think i might be spending about 75 bucks a week on food. but i'm not sure. i am going to pay attention and find out.

under the bed


i walked 2 miles. it took me 52 minutes. whenever i get off the treadmill, it makes me soooo dizzy.

i went off the atkin's for 3 days because it was making feel rundown. you need to take A LOT of vitamins when you go on that diet.

i might try to go back on it today. or i might just wait until i have money to buy more vitamins.

or maybe i'll just do a low calorie thing with excercise. i don't know.

i'm going to stretch now for awhile and then i am going to clean my house some.

my waist, this morning, was 30 inches and i weight 127.6 with 35% bodyfat.

(in the morning with no clothes or jewelry on)

i really am proud of myself for walking two miles. i didn't even plan on it. it's jyst that the pop machine was moved into the excercise room and i went down to get a diet coke and teh treadmill is right there next to it and no one was in there. so i just hopped on it, even tho i was in stocking feet :)

jason just came home from school


new day :)

the sex workers art show was very very cool :) i gave away my last 4 pussy tv books to some of the performers (annie oakley, scarlot harlot, gina gold and michelle tea)

i hope they like them! i would sure like to tour with them someday!