december 5th, 2002


sex workers art show!

Sex workers art show in minneapolis TOMORROW! A visual art display and cabaret featuring music, spoken word, striptease and other performance art by sex industry workers will be held in Room 100, Rapson Hall, U of M East Bank campus. 7-10 p.m. $3-$10 suggested donation; free for students with ID. Sponsored by the U of M Womens Student Activist Collective, 612-625-1611, it's at the U of MN, at the Architecture Building Rapson Hall is on the east bank, near the Weisman Museum


check the tour schedule at their site to see if they are coming to your city :)


i better go to sleep now.



WHY did know one tell me about this sooner??? oh yesssssssssssssss. almost as good as john foxx :)

you know, i was SO on track when i recorded 4 or 5 years ago or whenever it was... what fucking idiots that label was to not push me in europe. their loss. my gain. my next record will kick so much ass.