december 1st , 2002


little books

i know that so much time has passed on these that it is beyond ridiculous. i bit off more than i could chew and that mixed with a great depression and other is just stupidly lame, i know. beyond lame. SO...for those of you who wish to wait no more i offer you these choices:

a. i will give you free ana2 worth TWICE the amount of money you gave me for books or...

b. i will give you a refund

for those of you who do not mind WILL get your books i just cannot say when. but i fully intend to finish them and get them to you. but for those of you who don't want to wait, i offer the above choices.

i am deeply sorry and i apologize for this.

please contact me at:

and let me know how you would like to proceed and i will get back to you ASAP


i've been at jason's all day watching 80's videos and having sex. ahhhh :) i needed a day like this!

things have been so tense for us lately that it's great to finally have a day of relaxing.

plus i am losing weight! i weigh 127 now...a week ago i weighed 133 or so.

i feel so much better. i feel hope. i am excited :)


i just got back from the tori concert which was wonderful! i gave her bodyguard a pair of wristwarmers to give her that i made. they were leaving straight after the concert to go to wisconsin.

before that i was at jason's parent's house for chanukah and i had an amazing bbqed steak.

i am still sticking to the atkin's diet and so far have lost around 4 or 5 pounds!

i'm going up to jaosn's to sleep tonight , so i'll see you "in the morning" :)

can you believe it's december 1st??

more later...